Naptime for Mr Linton

Start from the beginning

'Really? Are you quite sure you don't want to know why I've been watching you intently, focusing my limited attention on you of all things?' I was reminded that, even now, his attention was fully focussed on me. I felt heat rising in my cheeks.
'Don't lie to me Mr Linton. You must be burning with curiosity, surely,' he murmured in my ear.

'You know me so well,' I replied sarcastically through gritted teeth. I felt his breath, soft against my ear, sending a shiver through my body. No! I wouldn't let him affect me, I was a feminist! No man could ever make me feel.. things. Ever!

'Well, Mr Linton,' he continued, his voice as smooth as chocolate. He inched even closer, his lips almost touching my tingling skin.
'I watch you because I..' he came closer than ever, his lips brushing gently against my ear, sending sparks of electricity down my spine. Then in one swift movement, he stood bolt upright again, staring coldly down at me. Blimey, his man was a whirlwind of emotions today! I was simply too tired to keep up! 

'Because I can then determine if you are working to your full capacity. I will not tolerate any time wasted, especially time wasted by your apparent exhaustion.' Was that I hint of disdain I detected in his voice?
'You need more exercise, especially if you feel like you've ran "the distance of London twice over". Therefore no, you cannot have a break. Get up, immediately!'

He enunciated every syllable with arctic force. Lowering my gaze, my cheeks flushed and my vision turned red. I was perfectly fit, thank you very much! No matter what my rather generous behind suggested! But alas, I was too tired to direct a few well deserved punches at his stony visage. All I did was fold my arms underneath my head, letting it rest to take the strain off my spine. Releasing a breath I didn't know I was holding, I unclenched my fists and felt my entire body relax. I had never realized how tiring it was to stay angry at that unmovable man.

'I'm sorry sir,' I sighed, and I meant it, 'I would keep going if I had a drop of life left in my blasted limbs.'
My chest grew tight as I continued, 'I am doing my best! I know that it may not seem like it to you, that I am just a weak and feeble girl. But I am trying.'
My eyes began to fill with tears, threatening to spill over. No, no, no! I couldn't display any more signs of weakness! A single tear ran down my cheek and I buried my face further into my arms.
'Why can't I do something right for once? Why are my efforts never enough?' I whispered.
Then something extraordinary happened. Mr Ambrose sat down and began stroking my hair. I would have protested, had I not been so tired and his actions not felt so comforting.

'I know that you're trying,' came his voice, filled with a gentleness I never knew he had. His hand drifted down to my shoulder and he gave it a reassuring squeeze. It rested there a moment or two before he spoke again, 'You have done adequately, Mr Linton.' Hesitantly, he gave my head a small pat before walking off towards the shelves of files. Retrieving the desired document, he returned to his office, the door softly clicking shut behind him.


A pneumatic tube rolled off the desk into my hands. My poor overworked mind was racing in every direction, trying to process what has just happened as I unrolled the message.

Mr Linton,
You have been granted the rest of the day off.
Rikkard Ambrose

The corners of my mouth lifted as relief washed over me. So, the tyrant had some mercy after all. Who would have thought it to be true? I rose with a pace enviable to a tortious, placed my hat upon my head, and was just about to walk out of my office when I thought better of it. I peeked my head through my employer's door.

'Mr Ambrose?' He looked up, and I gave him a gratuitous smile. 'I just wanted to say thank you.'

He gave a short nod, his usually stormy eyes calmer than I'd ever seen them. I moved to exit the room when he called out, 'And, Mr Linton..'

I opened the door a fraction to look in again.


'I expect to see you early tomorrow morning to make up for lost time. Be here at six o'clock.' I knew that he meant it, right down to the second, but I wasn't nearly as annoyed as I might've been.

'Of course sir.' My eyes shone with amusement. As I closed the door, I could have sworn that I saw the corners of Mr Ambrose's mouth lifting gently as he turned back to his work. But it was probably my fatigued mind overworking itself. Still, I couldn't shake the smile from my lips, and there it remained as I climbed into my bed back at home. Finally giving into fatigue, I drifted off, dreaming pleasantly of the days to come that would be spent with my not-so-very-intolerable employer. Pleasant dreams indeed.

There you have it, my first one shot! If you couldn't tell, I got the inspiration for this one shot from my very long and tiring days spent in class. I feel like Lilly could relate!
Anyway, don't forget to tell me your thoughts in the comments. You guys say the best things, I always look forward to hearing from you!
Also, if you have any suggestions as to what I should write about next, know that I am always hungry for new ideas (and don't worry, I'll always credit you)!
I hope that you enjoyed this story, I personally think that it's pretty cute. ;) Have a lovely day, and thanks for reading!
Yours sleepily,

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