The Doctor is in (Knockout x Cybertroian reader)

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You were on the nemesis and just got back from a recent mission.  You were currently on your way to med bay because your brother starscream was bugging you about your injuries. You groaned and headed tword med bay not to be mean but the doctor there seemed a little crazy and you had a slight crush on the mad doctor what was the doctors name. His name was Knockout for a doctor he's really ocd about his paint job he always buffing himself.

Anyway as I walk in the med bay I'm meet by knockouts nurse breakdown who gets me to a berth imedently.

"So...what's today's damage (y/n)?" Says breakdown walking over to the side of the berth.

"Well my brother is worried that this wound will get infected" I show him the inside of my thigh to see a gash with a little of rust.

"Well (y/n) it looks like it's already infected there's some rust" said breakdown pointing to it.

"I'll go get the doctor" He said leaving the room I froze at the word doctor.

I was laying on the berth what felt like eons until the doctor showed up.

"Well Helllooo (y/n)" He purred his voice.

"What brings you to the med bay doll?" I hate it when he uses that word.

"Well doctor my brother sent me in and when he noticed on of my wounds was rusting" I said pointing to my inner thigh.

"Hmmm....I may have a treatment for that" He purred.

During the treatment I felt really aquward having him working on my inner thigh I mean he's done it before but my feelings are getting in the way. After he quied he was finished I released a breath I never knew I was holding I got up from the berth and stretched a little.

"Thank you doctor for the help" I smiled.

Knockouts eyes went wide and he replied back with a you're welcome.

As I was about to leave I was tapped on the wings I flinched a little and turned around. To see knockout standing behind me.

"Is there something you need doctor before I take my leave?" I looked at him smiling.

"It's Knockout (y/n) call me knockout" he said smiling looking into my optics with his beautiful red optics.

"Well then I will take my le-" but before I finish my sentence a pare of lips are on mine before I noticed knockout was kissing me.

I relaxed and kissed back but as I did guess you decided to spoil it my brother walks in and gives out a horrid shreik scaring me and knockout and we broke apart.

"Grrrrrrr KNOCKOUT IM GOING TO RIP YOUR SPARK OUT!" Starscream said running around trying to catch knockout I only chuckled and left the room letting the two talk.

Sorry it was so short if you think it's nice then great please give me feed back but nothing negative I hate that stuff and there will be more comming soon :)

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