Weird Questions?????????

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since part one of

weird questions really got me thinking

i decied to do a part 2

don't worry it won't go on forever like the yo mama jokes

or will it???


i'm so evil



If you try to fail and succeed, what have

you done? 

How is it one careless match can start a

forest fire, but it takes a whole box to

start a campfire? 

Why is the time when the traffic is slowest

called rush-hour? 

If physics can predict lottery numbers,

why are they still working? 

If you run backwards will you gain weight? 

If Barbie is so popular, why do you need to

buy her friends? 

What happens when you get scared

half-to-death twice? 

Can a blind person feel blue? 

How can a house burn up when it burns


Are you telling the truth when you lie in


If your vacuum cleaner really sucks, is it a

bad thing? 

How do you know when a Smurf


Despite the cost of living, why does it

remain so popular? 

If a word in a dictionary is misspelled, how

would you know? 

Why does X stand for a kiss? 

Why does O stand for a hug? 

Why is the alphabet in that order? 

How does skating on thin ice get you into hot water? 

Who created english?

Why are they called stands when there made for sitting? 

Doesn't expecting the unexpected make

the unexpected expected? 

When cheese gets its picture taken what

does it say? 

Why are a wise-man and a wise-guy


If work is so terrific how come they have

to pay you to do it? 

Should crematoriums give discounts for

those who died in fires? 

Is it possible to have a civil-war? 

If the #2 pencil the most popular, why is it

still #2? 

Do tea makers have coffee breaks? 

Can fat people go skinny-dipping? 

Why do they announce power shortages

on TV? 

Do you need a silencer when you shoot a


Why do you press harder on the

remote-control when you know the

battery is dead? 

How can batteries die? 

If its zero degrees tonight, and tomorrow

its meant to be twice as cold, how cold

will it be? ( 0x0=0 ) 

Why is abbreviated such a long word? 

Why is it that when you tell a man there

are 400 billion stars he will believe you, but

when you tell him there's wet paint he has

to touch it? 

Do you find it unnerving that what doctors

do is called 'practice'? 

Would a fly without wings be called a


If a turtle doesn't have a shell is it

homeless or naked? 

Can vegetarians eat animal crackers? 

Why do they sterilize needles for lethal



like last time 

if you know the answers plz don't be shy

just commemt them and vote!!!



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