A Father's Mistake

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Chapter 1Chapter 1

Vivian Pov.

   I slowly pushed open the door and walked in. I couldn’t help the smile that began forming on my lips. Every time I came in this room I just began to beam in joy. For the past two weeks it’s been like a daily routine of mine. I’d wake up at three or four in the morning and make my way through the house coming directly to this room. I quietly walked in the room and walked over to three cribs. Leaning my head down I gently stroked the side of the little infants’ head in the middle.

   I felt my smile soften a little as I turned to see that both the babies on the side of her started to stir. It looked as if they were trying to get closer to her. Almost as if they were trying to protect her, or maybe they were trying to get closer to me and her. The thought of that made my heart swell in pride. My little Monica was going to be welled protected, I just knew it. Out of the three of them she was the most fussy. She didn’t cry as much as any baby that I had been around in my life time. But she did cry when she was away from her brothers for a long length of time.

   Thinking of this made me remember when they first came home from the hospital. When I picked her up and held her. She started to cry when I walked out of the room with her. I thought that it was normal until I walked back into the room with her brothers and she immediately stopped crying. I slightly shook my head thinking of that day. It truly was one of the best days of my life.

    I slowly pulled my hand away hating how it felt to not touch her, and walked over to the crib on the far right side of me. That same prideful smile was playing on my face. Something told me that this little bundle of joy was going to keep my hands full, somewhat like how his father does.

   I didn’t know what it was about him, but I just knew that he was going to be a little dare-devil, and I was going to be just fine with that. Maybe it was the fact that when I went into labor he took so much longer than the other two coming into this world. I have to say that he made me scared the whole time doing labor. A small tear came to my face thinking about how I almost lost him.

   He gave the whole pack a scare. I have to say that when the doctor told me that the umbilical cord was wrapped around his neck I nearly died right there. I practical held my breath hoping that he was okay.  But when the cord was loosen and came from around his neck, I thanked god and the moon goddess and whoever else that was responsible for helping my baby come into this world and giving him a chance to live. I bent my head down and kissed him on his head and watched as like earlier, the other two babies stirred in their sleep, moving slightly closer to my little Dare Devil, Blake.

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