Six facts about me tag

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Ok, so once again I was tagged by JasperOnPeppered (who else? :p) so here ya go. :)

1. What book or film character would you want as a sibling?
Percy Jackson, because he's a son of Poseidon. Need I say more? :)

2. What was the greatest adventure you ever had?
I don't know. My life isn't really that exciting. :p  It would probably have to be when I went to Niagara Falls. That was pretty cool. :)

3. Team Cap or team Ironman?
Team Cap all the way. :) (who else is excited for Civil War?)

4. What was your worst birthday present ever?
Probably that wide-ruled sheet of paper covered in torn Star Wars stickers my brother gave me last month.

5. Do you have a scar and how did you get it?
Yes, I have a scar. It's really small and you can't see it half the time, but it's right at my hairline. On my first birthday, I had refused to take a nap so I was really tired that evening and I was sitting in a little rocking chair about to open my presents when I just kind of spontaneously dozed off and fell forward and smacked my head on the tile floor. And that's the story of how I got a scar. :)

6. What's your favorite/ funniest/ cheesiest pickup line?
Are you a camera, 'cause whenever I look at you I smile. (Seriously, someone tired this on one of my friends)

And I tag:

And your questions are:
1. Marvel or DC?

2. Which is worse, math or gym?

3. If you could be transported to any fictional universe, what would it be?

4. Headphones or earbuds?

5. Who's your best internet friend you've never met IRL? :)

6. If you had to chose between being and amazing singer or an amazing artist, which would you choose?

Later, guys. :) ✌️

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