Chapter 19- New Plan

Start from the beginning

[Author P.O.V]

Oh I wish she thought that sooner...

[Joey P.O.V]

Here I go.

“Tyler…there is no easy way saying this so I’m just going to say it…”

“Wait hold on…Mike is calling.”

Are. You. Kidding. Me?

“Yeah uh huh...Okay…love you too…bye!” He hangs up. “So…what’s up?”

Shane looks at me and sees my look of defeat.

“Tyler, this isn’t easy for Joey to say so I will… But when Joey was over your house the other day…Mike kissed him and Joey pushed him away but he said some horrible things to Joey which put him in a bad spot.”

“Wait…so you’re telling me that…Mike…cheated?... on me?”

“Well he told me he loved me. That he could love two people.”

“Wait seriously?”

“Yeah. But please…please don’t say we told you. He told me I couldn’t tell anyone or else…”

“Oh my gosh…Guys…” Tyler starts tearing up.

“I’m so sorry Tyler. This should not have happened to such an awesome guy like you…”

“What did you tell Mike that made him stop…just so I know.”

“That I couldn’t.”

“So you’re saying…that you had to stop him. That he wanted…you? Did he believe you?”

“No…but seriously I’m not into him…”

“Thanks Joey…I respect that. I’m going to take care of this, don’t worry I won’t mention you guys in anyway what so ever. Thank you for telling me.” He says wiping his tears.

“I’m sorry Tyler.” I say giving him a hug.

“Thanks…Was there a reason why you said no...?”

“Yeah. I’m dating…” I say

“ME!” Shane adds in.

“For real? Shoey is real?”


“Oh my goodness gracie-aniyas. Tyler says. “Well I’ll talk to you guys soon bye!!”

I look at Shane.  “Oh my gosh…”

“What did I just do…”

“I don’t even know.”

“Oh well…”

“Maybe we should…tell your mom? I don’t know. If you want.”

“Are you ready?”

“I think I am. But what about you?”

“If you are, yeah. I think it would be a good idea.”

“Okay. Ah I’m nervous…”

“Here…hold my hand.”

I held his hand, tight. I couldn’t believe I came up with this idea…was I a freaking idiot?

Or maybe I was just…sure.

That I really did love Shane.

[Lisa P.O.V]

This was NOT going well.

I really wish I could just smack this asshole across the face.

A Change of Heart. (A shoey fan fiction)Where stories live. Discover now