My eyes flashed open as I tugged on the chains again, but the cuffs only continued to dig into my skin. I screamed in agony, more blood dripped down my arms and than onto the rocky floor of the cave.

The sound of hooves stopped close by. I gritted my teeth and moved my head, wiping my face off on my shoulders.
I couldn't look weak to them. If I did then they'd try to break me even more, or even kill me on the spot.

Two pairs of feet came towards me and I looked around the corner of the cave and my eyes widened.

"Clarke." My voice cracked as I looked at her.

Her eyes widened. "Bell." she whispered, her small voice echoed slightly and she ran towards me. My heart began to pound as I shakily pushed myself back onto my feet. I went to run towards her but the chains were too short. I groaned, gritting my teeth to stop another scream as the cuffs tugged onto my wrists once again, my arms going numb.

She ran up to me and wrapped her arms around me.

I closed my eyes and placed my face into the crook of her neck. She held onto me tightly, even more tightly than when she ran towards me when I came back, and then was strong.

She placed her lips up against my collarbone just like she always did. It was a familiar warmth, and happiness spread through me, tingling down my spine and to my numb fingertips.

I missed the warmth of her. The feel of her next to me. I just wish I could hold her.

I went to try to move my arms again but I hissed in pain the numbness receding momentarily, just enough to feel the jolt. Clarke pulled back and I saw her look down at my wrists. "Bellamy what happened?" She asked as she gently pushed the cuffs down against my hands.

I went to answer but before I could she turned to someone behind her. "I need something to stop the bleeding."

I looked to see who she could be talking to and my eyes widened. "Murphy?" I whispered.

He smiled and nodded, stepping forward he slid the cloak he had on off and carefully ripped off a shred. "This good to start?" She nodded as she took it from him.

"Thank you John." She said quietly as she turned and placed it against my wrists.


"You look to be in rough shape." Murphy joked.

Clarke turned, giving him a look. "Later." She replied as she turned back to my wrists, pressing down and stopping the bleeding on the left one. It hurt but not as much as the cuffs ever did.

Her touch was gentle, just like it had been when I was sick back on the drop ship, or she used to check on my cuts and scrapes.

She looked up to meet my eyes and she wiped a stray tear from my cheek. "What happened? How did you get here?"

"O." I whispered as I looked down at her hands. "Lincoln, Kane and Sinclaire were all sentenced to death at dawn." I squeezed my eyes shut. "And it was all my fault."

She pressed her hand to my cheek and I felt tears return to my eyes. Some spilled back onto my cheeks, running onto her hands. She moved her thumb and she wiped them away. "Clarke don't leave me again. I can't help people without you." I croaked as I pressed my cheek into her palm.

The Revival of HopeWhere stories live. Discover now