Chapter 6

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Previously on One last Dance

Ross:(Nods) (still holding Laura's hand ) please wake up I'm sorry I love you and this is Ross I know you won't remember me but I hope I can get you to forgive me and remember me


Laura's POV
I don't know where I am but all I know is that I'm in a bed. I slowly open my eyes and I see a really hot blond holding my hand sleeping . I wonder who that is ? I don't recognize him. Right now I'm scared the blond slowly starts to wake up

Laura:(slowly opens eyes) (looks at the blond) (removes her hand carefully)

Ross:(slowly opens his eyes) laur! (Smiles and about to hug her)

Laura:Who are you? (Pushes him away)

Ross:oh yeah .. (Sighs) I'll go get the doctor (leaves)

Rydel:(sees Ross coming out) (runs to him)Ross ! Ross !

Ross:(kinda mad and sad ) oh you need something??

Rydel:No but how's Laura? Is she awake?

Ross:(sighs and nods) Yeah she just work up i need to go get the doctor (leaves to get the doctor)

Rydel:(walks in Laura's room) hey Laura

Laura :(confused ) do I know you?

Rydel:(sighs) I'm sorry I'll introduce my self again . I'm Rydel and the boy who just went to get the doctor is Ross my younger brother I'll go get the rest of the family . I'll be right back (leaves to get the lynches) Guys come see her

Lynch&MaranoFamily:(follow her)

Ellen:oh Laura!


Ellen:(tears up) I'm so happy that your okay! (Hugs her)

Laura:(hugs back) (pulls away) mom?

Ellen:Yes Sweetheart?

Laura:Who are they? (Pointing to the lynches)

Ellen:Stormie would you introduce yourselves so hopefully she can remember you guys

Ross:(comes in with the doctor)

Doctor:Nice to see your awake Laura

Laura:It's good to be awake


Stormie:I'll introduce them

Doctor:Laura you may leave but I need someone to fill out papers please

Ellen:I will (follows the doctor to fill out papers)

Stormie:Laura.. I'm Stormie a really old friend of your moms . This is my husband mark (pointing to mark who was standing next to her). This is Riker my oldest son then there's Rocky, Rydel , Ross and Ryland .

Laura:Nice to meet you guys

Rydel:Laura.. Ross is your boyfriend

Laura:I don't understand

Ross:I'll get going (leaves)

Rydel:Ross! Laura Ross is your boyfriend your his girlfriend you two just were in a fight

Laura:I'm sorry I'm nobody's girlfriend

Rydel:(sighs ) okay I'll see you later

Ellen:(comes in) lets get going Laura


---------------------------------------Heyyy how's this chapter?
What should they do to have Laura Remember them? I love you all!! I totally forgot about the last chapter of love is always there . I'm thinking about doing a sequel .. Yes? No?

Well... First I want to have an answer from TheMaranoSisters I miss her so much and I kiss reading her book as well as ashleyash2003

Now for Shoutouts


Did I get everyone?

I think I did
I hope I did

Well I have some news but I think I should tel you guys when I'm actually leaving
Like the day before

Anyway I love you all
All you are My Guardian Angels


God Bless You


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