In The Beginning.

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Smurf woke up one morning feeling very sad; the night before, he watched his favorite show of all time, "Girl Meets World", and Rucas kissed.Smurf decided to call Shane Dawson, who of course didn't pick up due to the restraining order that Shane created against him.

It all started a few weeks prior, when Smurf ran into Shane at a Starbucks and decided to approach him, being a fellow famous YouTuber and all. Shane felt uneasy and did not want to talk to Smurf because he thought he was going to straight up murder him because of his gangster appearance but after just a minute of small talk, Smurf started full on sobbing over the fact that Girl Meets World is still on Disney and their terrible writers suck ass.

Shane proceeded to tell Smurf that he hates Disney channel and how much it bothers him that he is mistaken for a Disney star by young children sometimes and that they are defiantly part of the illuminati. One time, he was confused for Spencer on Good Luck Charlie.

Smurf was very intrigued with Shane but kept it very discrete. He stole Shane's phone when he wasn't looking and found his phone number, along with the numbers of Trisha Paytas and Drew Monson. They could be useful allies to the great Lucaya army.

Shane went back to Trisha and Drew to talk about Smurf and they decided to watch one of his videos together and they found out that he was overly obsessed with a television show for pre teen girls.

There was a knock at the door and Shane went to see who it was. It was... SMURF!He said, "Shane, my brother, we should collab and rant about Rucas!!!"

What he didn't know was that Drew and Trisha were going to hack the collab with subliminal messages of Rucas as a joke.

"What the FUCK" yelled Smurf as he found out.

Shane stepped back. "Chill, guy. Look, idk who you are, I've never heard of you, but if you think that I'm gonna promote your stupid channel about hating on a 13 year old tv relationship then good luck with that."

Smurf reacted in the only way he knew how to, aggressively penalizing the other side by creating a nation of hate against that side (of course). He punched Shane in the nose. Shane immediately fell to the ground and smurf proceeded to brutally attack him. Shane then summoned the thousands of deers from his room to attack the evil force and then Smurf fell and forgot everything from that day. Drew laughed through the whole thing. Shane put a restraining order on Smurf and that's how the rivalry began.

So when Shane got the call from Smurf which he had declined, he wanted to call up his lawyer but instead he called someone just as smart, if not smarter than a lawyer... Trisha.

So anyway, Smurf was sad about Rucas and called Shane but Shane didn't answer because of the restraining order. Trisha called Smurf to tell him to leave Shane alone but he just laughed. She started getting a mix of death threats and love letters from Smurf and she was really confused.

"Trisha who's that on the phone" asked Shane. Trisha replied "it's that ass Smurf, it's been no stop emails and texts from this guy. I don't even remember giving him my number!" Little did they know that Smurf found Trisha's number when he first met Shane on his phone.

"Trisha, be careful, I don't trust this guy," said Shane. "And do not, I repeat DO NOT mention Rucas."

So what does Drew (who was mute through all this) do? Mention Rucas of course, so the next video Drew uploaded he kept getting Anonymous comments saying..."I will find you and I will kill you." Smurf then summoned his army of 10 year old lucaya fans to send Drew and Shane to hell.

Trisha paced back and forth as Shane and Drew cried silent tears of fear. They were not aware of how far this would go. After receiving so many death threats through dms, comments and even text messages, they all decided to throw their phones away. But when they started to think about this decision they were like "lol we are not throwing away our phones, that would be stupid" so they just blocked the death threats.

They were all at Trisha's apartment. Trisha went to get something from her bedroom when Shane and drew heard the sound of glass breaking and they went to see what was the matter. Before they got to her room they heard a mans voice saying "whasgoinon", followed by Trisha's scream. Shane replied with a calm "this gun is goinon mutherfuker"and chased Smurf around the apartment with a gun with Drew recording the whole thing.

"Fucking Rucas shipper!!!" roared Smurf, knocking over Trisha's dresser. Shane couldn't help but laugh. While laughing Shane accidentally pull the trigger on.... CORNY (they forgot he was there). Lisa jumps out of a nearby laundry basket and started to rejoice unaware of what just happened and said "finally! I found my pho... OMFG IS THAT CORNY?!". Silent tears fell down Shane's cheeks as Smurf laughed hysterically. "WHAT THE FUCK HAHAHAHAHAHA THE DOGS DEAD!!!" he giggled.

But then, like a heavenly angel, corny was reincarnated as A UNICORN! Shane and Lisa also turned into unicorns revealing their secret... THAT THEY WERE ACTUALLY UNICORNS THIS WHOLE TIME (make that into a conspiracy video Shane). Drew rolled his eyes. "Shane, did you drink too much diet Snapple again?" He groaned as he slapped Shane and he turned back to normal.

Lisa flew away because smurf farted and it was making her gag and she severely hated everyone in that room.

Smurf realized that his troops needed to prepare to attack the std so he returned to his house (that just so happens to be his parents house) to prepare. A war has started...

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 02, 2016 ⏰

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