Forgetting Love

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Most girls my age think that the worst thing that could happen to them is their boyfriend cheating on them with their best friend, or they can't find something to wear for a date.

I hate those girls.

Actually, I guess I'm jealous of them. Why can't life be that easy for me? I know what hard is.

Hard is being taken from your life for half a year. Hard is crying yourself to sleep every night and your family isn't there to comfort you. Hard is living in the arms of a monster. Hard is trying to make things normal after breaking up with your best friend. Hard is lying to everyone you know about the guy you love...

Hard is trying to forget.

I'm always told I have to forget the past few months of my life and move on. I've tried, believe me I've tried so hard, but it's impossible. Every where I look, I'm reminded of it. Even when I look at my boyfriend, I remember his family; all the terrible things they have done, but with him, it's okay. I always feel safe as long as he's with me.

This whole experience is a part of me, I can't forget. It's starting to get annoying whenever my Mom tries to talk to me about it. She has even tried sending me to a shrink. That didn't go as smoothly as she planned.

Besides, maybe the story isn't over. Maybe I'm not as safe as everyone thought. What if that was just the beginning?

Chris always said his family had connections, and it's huge. Maybe I angered them all. I was the reason they were caught. Matt fell in love with me and finally got help.

You could say that it's actually Matt's fault, but if you go back far enough, it is me.

So let me ask you this, how are you supposed to forget something, when it's not over yet?

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