The Upcoming Storm

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HERE'S THE LONG AWAITED 21! Thank you for all the support <3 I do love you all very much for following around for so long to see these two sillies in Helia <3

This chapter is dedicated to shadows93 for not only checking Lumos out but even the two other books I have on hold <3 And for voting <3

PLEASE COMMENT, I LOVE IT SO MUCH .o. It gives me... eyegasms. = = '' 

Once more, thank you,





My heart was thumping, lungs, gasping for more air. My body had nearly forgotten how good of a kisser Lucas was... nearly.

Now, however, he wasn't looking at me, he was looking at something over my head and I had no idea who or what had caught his attention. My eyes were on his face, a display of emotions flitting so fast over the perfection until it came to rest on an expression that could only be called cold.

'Lyria,' he uttered and my throat treacherously gulped in fear. His voice was void of any emotion but the visual of an icy blade came into mind. The soft blond hair at the nape of his neck were torturing my fingers, begging to be twirled and played with again but I reckoned it wasn't really a good time to try another seducing trick on the Prince of Varyl. Though... he had fell right into it. I suppressed a blush and a smile at how he had moaned.

'Looks like you've made a new friend,' came a tinkly voice and carefully, I turned.

Immediately, I felt myself want to turn around and hide inside Lucas' near to non-existing clothing. There was a host of people on horse back, their carriages and attire told me they were merchants and they each held a curious gaze. There was one, however, that stood out and seemed just a little bit too intimidating to be curious.

She was beautiful, in every sense of the word. She had golden blond hair, waving down from the ponytail she had secured highly upon the back of her head. The drawn back hair accentuated her small face, high cheekbones and sultry eyes that were a grey in color. It reminded me of a storm at the moment and I nearly cringed back from the ferocity. Her skin was well tanned, showing her lean limbs and long neck in a different light. She had to be part Southern.

'Hardly a friend,' Lucas spoke from behind me and I watched as the woman's lips curled up in slight triumph, 'More like a lover,' her face fell again and the stormy eyes narrowed into cat-like slits. I felt Lucas's arms tighten around me and I turned to give him a questioning look. I received an apology through those green eyes.

'A-' the girl started speaking again but was cut off by a man's voice.

'Prince Lucas, Your Highness, it is an honor to meet you once more,' my head whipped around, only to be met by the same grey eyes, he must be her father. The man was broad, his large figure on the broad black steed made me think of more of a fighter than a merchant and he had a receding brown hairline with facial hair lining above his lips and his chin. It was greying.

'Sir Halidor,' Lucas acknowledged stiffly and I noticed how even Quen seemed to snort, his little hoof stamp making me wobble ever so slightly. Thank the stars Lucas was holding me tightly, or I would've fell and I bet that would make the woman called Lyria very happy indeed.

'We're all very sorry for your loss,' Sir Halidor continued, he turned slightly, gesturing with a broad hand to the people behind him.

In total there were about six riders on horses including Sir Halidor and Lyria. The four other riders seemed in their forties, all with greying hair and riding gear. There were three carriages, from which poked so many heads I couldn't count the number. They all seemed curious, some pitying and some angry for some reason I couldn't comprehend.

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