Chapter 2

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That's their masks up there.


"The only thing I want is my mate." I moan facedown on my bed. My younger cousin sits off to the side in a beanbag chair, watching me with her brown eyes.

"And I want a brownie cake, but we don't all get what I want." Marisa replies, applying a coat of nail polish to her fingernails.

"Marisa! It's not the same!" I all but whine.

"I know it's not. But I'm about 5 or 6 years away from finding a mate. Let's talk about something fun!"

"Fun? Having a mate is fun." I mumble.

"Ugh. You're the worst babysitter ever." She replies dully.

"You're 12 years old, and there are younger wolves around that don't need someone to watch over them."

"Yeah, but my parents are out with yours and Dad says I'm related to the Alpha Family and could be 'at risk'." She makes air quotations.

"Stupid Amaran Pack." I sigh disgustedly.

"You can say that again."

"You know, that Julien guy is actually kinda hot." Marisa speaks after several minutes.

"Oh god, you did not just say that! He's our enemy!" I jump out of my bed and kneel in front of my cousin.

"Have you seen him though? He's hot!" She insists.

"You really need to stop. Okay? I don't care if you think he's hot."

"He looks like a model, like a Greek Model. And he's got a good body." Her voice turns dreamy. "His eyes are brown too!"

"Okay first, go into town and wash your eyes with the church's holy water. Second, why on earth are you still talking about him? And third, thanks for making me feel like a potato."

"Chill prima! You're hot too. In fact, if he weren't your enemy, I'd totally ship it."

"Oh no, you've become one of those girls." I cover my face with my hands.

"You have blue eyes and he has brown. According to my biology, your children have an equal chance of getting brown or blue eyes!" She squeals.

"I need some aspirin." I rub my temples.

"And a mate as hot as Julien."

"Okay, time for bed. Shower, brush your teeth, say the rosary, bed."

"What? You haven't even given me my midnight snack! I'm a growing girl."

"It's 9. You had dinner less than two hours ago."

"And aren't you planning to eat the leftovers later tonight."

"I'm an Alpha. But point taken. I'll make you popcorn or fruit kabobs."

"But I don't want to sleep. Let's watch some chick flicks!" She jumps off the beanbags and runs to my TV.

"Now you're talking. I'll make popcorn and kabobs and get some chocolate. You put in a good movie and organize the bean bag chairs. I'll be back in a few."

"Now you're being a good babysitter!"


"C'mon! Get your ass out of bed now!" My dear mother throws open my curtains and tosses away my covers.

"Mom! It's like 7 am!" I protest angrily. Who even let her in?

"More like 9 am! We have to get started on shopping!"

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