Supervamp - Book after Bonded beings chapter 5 part 1

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Chapter Five

Something told me that Evangeline wasn't expecting Amy's car when she told me she was going to help. It was a tiny old mini that didn't have enough room for anyone else. The floor was littered with rubbish and the CD player only played club music because it only got one radio station. The rest of the family were waiting for one of Adrian's company cars to pick them up but I couldn't wait, I had to get on the road straight away so I took Amy's car. Evangeline had insisted coming because she didn't want me to be alone especially when I was in an emotional state.

I did try and lie to her and tell her I wasn't at all emotional but then I realised she could read my mind and the emotions I was giving off and decided to giving up even trying and just allow her to come along.

"I'm sorry about the state of the car, Amy has never been the cleanliest of people, I guess her car kind of shows it." Evangeline laughed a warm sound that made me smile with her.

"I am five hundred years old, trust me the state of your friends car is nothing compared to what I have seen in my life. I was born on a farm you know." I looked up at her a little shocked, Evangeline wasn't the kind of woman you could see on a farm she was elegant and most of the time looked like she was floating, so trudging through muck was not something I could see her doing.

"Really?" She laughed and leaned back in the incredibly uncomfortable seat.

"I am a born vampire so I have always needed blood, my parents did as well. But they did not like the thought of preying on humans; our species were just too alike. So they decided to use the wealth they had accumulated to buy a farm with animals that they could use the blood of. We mostly had larger animals like cows so we had enough blood, but just because we were using the animals for food didn't mean we treated them badly. I had to clean them out, clean the animal and their stables. Imagine it; this was before showers and running water. I stunk every day and even worse than that I had superior senses so it was worse for me than it was for the human's we interacted with." I smiled and focused on the road. "So your car isn't that bad."

"I don't mean this offensively but I can't imagine you being so old. You all look so young thinking of you being from another time, seeing all that history that no one else on earth has ever seen." Evangeline gave me a smile filled with centuries of wisdom.

"Roisin when you reach your hundredth birthday you will realise just how little age matters, and when you go through things, it is normal life. I don't think I have ever stopped at a moment in my life and thought this is a historic moment, they have all been simply moments in time."

"What about the wars you have seen? Don't they affect you?"

"This will sound terrible to you because you were part of the human world. But vampires were never major parts of human wars; those were between humans and were for human lands. Vampires have their own land their own fights to fight." I kind of understood what she was getting at but she was right I still thought that leaving the humans to kill each other.

"So you are never part of the human world?"

"No there were some vampires who chose to fight; in fact many rebels chose to fight with the Germans in the last war because they thought the human race was going to wipe itself out. They actually believed the Nazi's were going to end the world so they tried to help them. But I think after we gave word to the other side that there were vampires among the armies the threat was eradicated because the soldiers changed the style they fought in." She turned to me and laughed when she saw the look on my face.

"I am sorry I just wasn't prepared for Nazi vampires there. You all have really strange lives." I looked up to see a sign telling me we were less than five miles from the first set of caves I knew about.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 15, 2009 ⏰

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