Gonna be a long night

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Sohma: *opens door* wow! This is where we are staying tonight?

Goyo: Banza!!! *jumps on beds*

Hyuga: Goyo you idiot! Don't mess up the beds!

Benkei: we are sleeping in them anyways. Why not?

Hyosuke: I want this bed!

Kazemasa: why does it matter what one you get? Aren't they the same?

Hyuga: he can sleep on the floor if he's going to be that picky.

Yoshitsune: let's just go to bed for now.

Hyuga: agreed.

Mizuki: ... Night.

Everyone: *gets into bed*

Hyuga: *turns off lights*

Everyone: ...



Hyuga: *flicks on lights* what the hell are you doing!?

Enya: hahah! What's the problem?

Hyuga: you! *smacks him with pillow*

Enya: I'm not tired!

Hyuga: stop being a brat *smacks him with pillow again*

Enya: cut it out!

Kazemasa: I would say the same to you

Kazemasa & Hyuga: *smacks him with pillow*

Hyuga: goodnight *turns off light*

Everyone: ...

Benkei: ZZZZZZZZZZzzzzzz

Goyo: pffffffft!

Enya: Ahahahahah!

Hyuga: *turns on lights* what is so funny!?

Benkei: hahahahaha!

Hyuga: *hits Enya with pillow*

Enya: I didn't do anything!

Mizuki: ... No one is sleepy.

Hyuga: well I am

Sohma: I can tell.

Goyo: yeah your grumpier than usual.

Hyuga: shut up and go to bed *turns off lights*

Everyone: ... *rustle rustle*

Hyuga: ...?

Yoshitsune: pfffftt... HAHAHAHA!

Hyosuke: OW OW OW!

Kazemasa: hold still.

Sohma: hehehe

Hyuga: *turns on lights*

Kazemasa: *giving Hyosuke a wedgie*

Sohma: *tickling Yoshitsune*

Hyuga: hey!

Mizuki: ... lighten up.

Hyuga: I'll smack all of you over the head with baseball bats!

Everyone: ...

Hyuga: goodnight. *turns off light*

Everyone: ...

Hyuga: ... *turns on light*

Mizuki: *ready to whip pillow at hyosuke*

Hyosuke: *ready to whip pillow at Enya*

Enya: *ready to whip pillow at Benkei*

Benkei: *ready to whip pillow at Goyo*

Hyuga: Oi! Knock it off! *flickers lights*

Kazemasa: buzz kill

Yoshitsune: hahaha

Hyuga: *turns off lights*



Enya: WHAT!?


Yoshitsune: what one?

Enya: fair enough

Hyuga: *turns on light* You will be the dead body if you don't shut up and sleep! This is the last time I'll tell you that!

Everyone: *nods*

Hyuga: ... *turns off lights*

Everyone: ... *rustle rustle*

Hyuga: *turns on lights*

Everyone: *making a pyramid*

Hyuga: ...

Everyone: ...

Hyuga: why are you being so difficult?

Hyosuke: happy birthday!

Hyuga: it's not my birthday

Hyosuke: oh...

Hyuga: will you go to sleep now?

Everyone: yeah...

Hyuga: goodnight. *turns off lights*

Goyo: *deep breath in* HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU


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