The Page

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Saira was going through Ron's diary and she had landed to this page.

It was a suicide note that Ron had written after 2 weeks he arrived. The note read :

"It's been two weeks since I arrived here and I miss everything , the petrichor of Kathmandu valley doesn't match with the petrichor of Sydney. As I walk through the alley that reaches my apartment I just wish it was the alley that took me home, that same alley where the dogs barked and roamed around pooping here and there. The greet of the shopkepper everytime I walked through the alley is something that I remember very much. The happiness that I got while reaching the alley, the joy of reaching HOME. I missed my mother very hard when I layed in my bed high on fever and the care I recieved when I was back in Nepal. The same alley where my father taught me to walk holding my little fingers when I was small to walking back home drunk stumbling on every pebble on the road is just a part of my memory now and I wonder if I can simply go back home and enjoy all those moments . Every nepali song that plays reminds me of those days. The cigarette that I took back in Nepal doesn't feel the same maybe because its not home. I miss Saira and her playful nature. Viber and Skype conversation can never fulfill the presence of my love.
" A thousand miles between us now
It causes me to wonder how
Our love tonight remains so strong
It makes our risk right all along" is playing in my background while I write this and I compare it with my present condition , I miss you Saira. I really need someone to talk most importantly my MOTHER. I feel like giving up. Just as my mom calls me the agnostic that lies inside me dies and I regain my faith in the lord, I start to believe that there lies a power greater than everything. Maybe because I just wished and my mom called. After a short conversation with my mother I realize that it was her dream that someday I will turn into an engineer and give her all the happiness in life. I explained to her how I feel here and now my heart feels real light. All the burdains of loneliness gets blown away with that one call and It has given me strength to relive my life. "

The letter left Saira blank and a bit broken hearted just then a tear rolled down her cheeks and the drop touched the page of the diary. With teary eyes , she flipped the pages to read what Ron had written. A diary that awaited lots of surprises for Saira :)

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 02, 2016 ⏰

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