Hello Sydney!

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Ron left Kathmandu airport with lots of memories and a small gift. He did not know what might be inside the gift wrap and was very curious to open it and check what's inside.

Ron landed at Sydney airport and took a cab towards his newly rented room. He had one of his friend help find a room for him before he landed at Sydney. While heading to the place Ron kept looking at the gift that Saira gave him and read the words "Bon Voyage" several times.

"How could it be a nice journey when you have to leave your friends, family and your love to travel to a far away place for studies? " Ron kept thinking as he read the word Bon Voyage time and again.

Ron finally reached his flat in this new city, eagerly he opened the box . There were two dairies in the box. As he started flipping the pages of the first diary his eyes went teary.

The pages contained a lot of his memories some in words and some in the form of photographs. The worst part of looking at all those things is they cannot be relived once again. " Time flies but memories remain " Ron had read it somewhere and now was practically experiencing it.

Ron looked at every picture that was pasted in the diary. Every picture carried a memory and Ron started reminishing all those things in his imagination. He just wished Saira was with him in his side sharing ice-cream like she was doing in the picture.

He kept the diary aside and took out another diary that Saira had attached. It was blank. Ron wondered why the diary was void untill he flipped a page or two.

"Write a diary for everyday and send it to me at the end of the month , photographs attached. " the note read.

In this era of technology where people can talk face-to-face Saira had asked Ron to write a diary. It was not a kind of new thing for Ron because things like these were not new to him since he met Saira. Saira loved to do something new.

Ron looked for a pen in his bag and after a long searching finally found one. He opened the lid of the pen and flipped the pages of the diary and wrote "Hello Sydney".

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