Episode 3: Dormitory Life, Fail or Win??

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"Ok... Then.."SooKi has surrendered at her final battle with me.

"Who's Complaining Next??" I Asked Them.

DongAh Raised Her Hand. "Why Your Name and BinHwa's Name Hasn't Been Told Yet??"

"Its Because.. Leader Had to Stay with The Maknae.." If You See.. Most Of K-Pop Artist.. Do Like That..

MinSoo Just Arrived.."Whose With Me???"

"I do.." SooKi Raised Her Hand.

"Where is my Room??" MinSoo Asked me.

"The One Who Had Windows..." DongAh Told Her..

"Ddong Ah~ Every Room Had a window...."MinSoo Asked Her??

"Ohh.. Just Follow SooKi Eonni Then.." DongAh Told Her...

"Now.. All of You May Wash Up.. Later We can Watch some Movie!!!" I Told Them.

"Yeah!! Movie!! What Movie??" DongAh Asked me.

"Up To You Movie!!!" I Told Her.

"There's a Movie Titled Up To You??" DongAh Asked me.

"Just Wash Up First!!!" I Told Them.. and went in to the Room.

I wonder what BinHwa's Doing...Oh! She's Checking Her SNS, As Usual..

"Eonni!! Do You Know..? " BinHwa Gave Her Phone To Me.

"Eh.. This Is Fake!! Nothing Like This would Happen.." I Looked at The Phone and gave it again to BinHwa.

"How Did You Know??" BinHwa Asked Me.

"Did You See.. At The Bottom... They Said You're Pranked??" I smiled.

"Ah! Dang It!" She Looked for other Posts.

I was working on the Debut Album. At The 4th Track..

"Hey!! Eonni!! Please Give us a Track to make.." DongAh came From No where..

"How.. Did You Get Here?? Please Knock..." I told Her.

"Sorry.. The BathRoom was Empty.. Whose Next??" DongAh Told Me.

BinHwa Ran To The Bathroom..

"Oh.. Its BinHwa..." I continued My Work. "The 5th Track will We Do Later Together.."

"Together??? Oh!! Thank You!! Finally!!" DongAh Looked so Excited.

"Ok.." I continued my Work.

"Do You Know.. That I'm a Transferred Trainee???"DongAh Told Me.

"What???" I asked her.

"Oh.. Never mind" DongAh changed topics.." Do you saw J-Hopie Today? He's so Perfect."

I don't know if DongAh likes HoSeok oppa a lot.. BinHwa went inside my room.

"Eonni... The bathroom is empty.." 

I ran to the bathroom and wash up.. After washing up..

"Eonni... Where's the cups?" SooKi asked me. 

"It's on the kitchen cabinet.." I pointed at the kitchen cabinets.

After that I took my laptop to the living room with the members.

"What is it Eonni?" DongAh asked me.

"You said we're going to watch some movie! What do you want to watch?" I asked them.

"Comedy!" DongAh told me.

"Sorry.,. I don't have a comedy movie.." I told DongAh.

"How about Horror?" BinHwa told me.

"Ok!" SooKi has accepted the challenge. Minsoo has agreed too.

"DongAh why are you so quiet?" I asked her.

"You're the loudest member but now why?" SooKi asked her.

"I'm scared..." I don't know that DongAh was really scared of Horror movies.

"Don't worry... I will be next to you.. I'm promise" I told her.

"Us too.." SooKi told her.

"Ok... We will watch later, but first let's finish our composition.." I opened the app.

"Our?" SooKi was so confused.

"I need you to help me make this last track happen!" I told them.

"Ok! Where!" Minsoo looked so excited.."sorry.. I'd love to make songs with you.." 

I opened the app. The members starting to chat one to another. If other members joined this group, it would be so crowded.

"So now.. What should we make?" SooKi asked me.

"Our CEO was helping us for the Kickstarter. Now let's do it by our own." I press the play button and played the song. 

"You will make the lyrics. I will do the Background music.." I pressed the piano.

We planned the lyrics, one by one, note by note, until it was 11 p.m.

"Finally! The song's done! Do you still wants to watch A Horror Movie?" I asked them.

"Yes we shouldn't watch horror movie at night!" DongAh told me.

I know she's so scared.. 

"No! Eonni! Night is the best!" BinHwa told us.

"Really? Ok then! " I played the movie..

It's a random horror movie. "It's rolling... It's rolling.." 

The members come to the living room..

"Ah.. This is a not scary horror movie!" BinHwa told me. "I'm going to bed." 

One by one the members went inside their rooms.. So it was only DongAh and Me.

"You still want to watch it???" I asked her.

"No.. But I want to know the ending.." DongAh told me.

Suddenly the bell rang. "Who is it?" I looked at the little peeping screen.


DongAh: Ah~ Eonni! It's the ghost on the movie! I'm scared!

TaeRi: Maybe?? Let's open the door.

DongAh: EONNI!!! Don't let the ghost in!!!

TaeRi: I will open it now.. (Teasing) 

DongAh: No!! Eonni!! Don't open it..

TaeRi: I open it.. Hehehe.

DongAh: No!!! I'm scared!!!

To Be Continued...

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[COMPLETED] Let's Go! Nature Girls !!!Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora