Old Friends

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It was Kianna
Kianna Pov
So the reason why I've been sneaking around the house was to mess with them Jazz and Nadia are my homies ... Nah just kidding I hate those bitches with a passion I already have zaniya Ari and river wrapped around my fingers I'm just waiting to do something to Jazz and then Nadia the reason I'm messing with Nadia too is because I like her brother Noah he is so hot you guys are probably like your dating Malak you can't like Noah but guess what idgaf about what you guys think I'm a hoe I can have all the men I want I'm such a bitch ik but Jazz and Ari should remember me we have a lot to catch up on anyways bye bitches
Jazz: hey Kianna
Kianna: you don't remember me Jazz or should I say Jasmine Chanel Carter
Jazz: Oh shit your Kianna Anderson
Kianna: bingo bitch
Jazz: you used to go to Danforth
Kianna: yeah remember 4th grade
Jazz: yeah I do
Kianna: we were the best of friends until you started hanging out with the popular kids
Jazz: ok so your point is
Kianna: remember in 7th grade you called me hoe in front of the whole entire school
Jazz: yeah that's only because you kissed Jalen in front of me he was my boyfriend
Kianna: he kissed me
Jazz: sure you've been saying that to me all the time when we used to go to Danforth
Kianna: at lunch time you dumped your spaghetti on me and called me a fucking hoe I felt so sorry all I wanted was your forgiveness you ignored me for one year and moved away and never talked to me again
Jazz: I know that
Kianna: can we just forget about this and become really good friends please
Jazz: ok fine
Kianna pov
I lied to that bitch I didn't want to be her friend I'm just tricking her for my plan that I have I'm here to make Jasmine's life miserable and I start now I have her right where I want her I hugged her now my plan begins 😈

or soon at least keep reading

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