Part 2

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I'm thinking of you
They went into a separate room to talk
Malak- I been thinking about u too Jazz I love you
Jazz- I love you to Malak but u know I can't ..... *cut off by Malak*
Malak- Jazz why can't you see that I love you I love you so much and I can't just love cause your with Noah Jazz just leave him I'll do you better I promise
Jazz- malak I love you to but I want Noah to be the one Noah deserves me and no matter how much I would want to be with you Malak ur still a player me I don't want to be hurt by someone I truly love
Malak- Jazz I understand but I will change just for you and only
Jazz- let's make a deal how bout if u change I will take dating u into consideration
Malak- what happens if I don't
Jazz- then I won't date you
Malak- deal
Jazz - let's go back now
Back in da movie room
Malak lays down on my stomach
-3 mins after the movie was finished -
Jazz- Baby u good
Malak- yeah
Jazz- not u
Noah- yeah I'm jus tired
Noah- imma go to sleep k
Jazz- I'm coming
Noah - our room is the third one on the right
Jazz- damnnn jay has so many rooms
Noah- ikr
Noah hops in bed
Jazz- I'm bored
Noah- zzzzz
Noah fell asleep
Jazz pov
I went downstairs and it was only Malak jay and Nadia
Nadia-I'mma go sleep
Jazz- is everybody that tired
Jay- imaa bout to hit the sheets still
Jazz- k goodnight
Jay- ily
Jazz- ly2
Malak- looks like it's just me n u
-wiggles his eyebrows-
Jazz- Malak u play too much
Malak- ik so jazz is the deal still on
Jazz-yeah u have 6 days to change
Malak- k but when do u make ur decision
Jazz- year 316
Malak- Jazz I'm serious
Jazz- fine next week u will find out the clock is ticking baby
Malak- damnnn being call baby already
Jazz- it's just an expression
Malak- whatever
Malak kisses Jazz
Jazz is kissing back
Malak pov
I feel blessed rn I have been kissing Jazz for 3 mins now and it is getting rougher and deeper tings r getting serious rn I add tounge and I reach for her pants
Jazz- OMG what did I just do
Malak- we could have gone further -smirks-
Jazz- no no no I'm dating Noah
Malak- Jazz calm down all I wanted to do was make love to u
Jazz- I'm gonna go to bed
Malak - k Ily
Jazz- ly2 this can never happen again got it
Malak- 109% mami
Jazz- k get some rest u clearly need it *laughing* leaves to go to bed
30 mins
Jazz pov
Noah took all the space uggh
I guess I have to find another room to sleep in I go to the last door on the right no one was in there Yassss I lay in the bed and Malak comes out of the bathroom with just a towel wrapped around his waist damnnnnnn his v line his abs dammmnn Malak is finnee af 👅👅👅💦💦💦
Malak- came back for more
He clenched his jaw and smirked  lord save me
Jazz- I came to sleep but I thought this room was empty
Malak- u can sleep with me uknow have a little harmless fun
Jazz- are there any other rooms I could sleep in and have a little harmless fun by myself
Malak- there are no more rooms  he laughs
Jazz- k ig I'm sleeping here then
Malak is changing in to his boxers
Jazz- danggg that's big  -whispers-
Malak- want some of this
Jazz- hell nah I'll just turn around
Malak-  I doubt that *puts on shorts*
Malak goes in his bed
Jazz- come in -pats a spot for her-
Malak- come closer closer closer ahhh that's good
Jazz- Malak why r u hugging me
Malak- comforting u
Jazz - I don't need comforting
Malak- yeah u do
Let's just sa things happend
Jazz- papi and moans slip out
Malak- harder yesss yesss he groans
Well that happend .......

I'll maybe continue this part in the third chapter happy reading love, Ariana Jensen

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