Australia: Krypton

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                Sweat as well as blood dripped from my forehead as I rolled to my right barley missing a bullet. I hoped up raising my SMG pressing the trigger not letting go as I rotated 360 degrees shooting blind. The crates surrounding the old warehouse exploded as the bullet came in contact. Several explosions followed blasting the crates surrounding me. Spraying splinters of wood everywhere. The smell of gunpowder and burning wood was strong. Where was Krisy? Wasn’t she backing me up?

                The familiar pounding of helicopters threw me back into reality. No, the pact, get out of here before Darren and his goons get you! I jumped up again, reaching into my pouch pulling out three grenades. I pulled out the pin of the first one with my teeth and threw it to my right. I did the same with the second throwing it in between my left and straight in front of me (northeast). I sighed as I brought the last grenade up to my mouth pulling out the pin and throwing it behind me. Part of the pact was that we would rather die than get captured by them and questioned, tortured or even worse.

                Looking up I pointed my SMG upwards and shot a circle of holes close together making a circle of the tin roof drop next to my feet. I reached into my bag again and pulled out a timed bomb and some clay. Taking my fist I pounded the clay onto the crate next to me and stuck on the bomb, setting it for exactly three minutes. As I turned I saw the ladder unroll through the hole I made in the roof and grabbed on. I gave it three tugs and it raised me up to the copter enabling escape.

(In case you don't know what a SMG is, there is a picuture of it on the side)

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