The Gang

119 7 3

Father-Brother-Daichi needs to chill.

Key words that might help -

Tuff - A compliment that means cool, fashionable, or trendy.

Broad - An offensive term for a woman.

Scrap - Like a rumble, it also means to get into a fight.

          I practically threw my bicycle down in the driveway, despite the fact that Takeda had just fixed it, as I made a quick to my front porch. I noticed a few beer cans and glass shards scattered about on the wood as I turned the knob to the screen door. The guys must've gotten drunk. I concluded, ever-so-quietly shutting the door behind me. I glimpsed Daichi resting on the worn out armchair, who was watching some dramatic soap opera on television. My heart pounded and I bit my lip, tapping along the hardwood flooring as cautiously and slowly as I possibly could. But, of course, our stupid floor had to creak loudly under the pressure of my foot, and I prepared myself for the worst as Daichi's head jerked around to meet my gaze.

           "Where on earth have you been, Hinata?!" He demanded, rising to his feet and shutting off the television in the process. I trembled, but decided to casually stride into the kitchen as if it didn't bother me. "I was at Ukai's," I said nonchalantly, opening up the fridge and grabbing a can of pop. I could hear Daichi booming in after me, and he jerked me around by the shoulder to face him. I froze. He spun me around so fast, my head could've fallen off and rolled onto the floor!


            "Quiet, you. You were somewhere else, weren't you? How about these scuff marks on your arms? Did you get into a scrap?" He interrogated harshly, pulling my arm up to his view and shaking it for emphasis. I winced, coming to notice the small bruises that were planted alongside my forearm. Oikawa must've thrown me a little harder than I'd thought. "Y-Yeah, but I'm fine. Ukai gave me food and Takeda fixed up my bike. That's why I was gone a little longer. I'm sorry." I said sincerely, lowering my gaze to the floor. Daichi opened his mouth to say something, until Tanaka and Noya walked into the kitchen, their eyes sleepy but alert.

            "Oi, what's goin' on?" Tanaka asked, a big yawn emitting from his throat. Noya planted his head of messy hair on Tanaka's shoulder, obviously still half-asleep. "Keep it down, will ya?" He murmured tiredly. "Oh hey, Hinata." I offered the two of them a half-smile, but it soon faded once I met eyes with Daichi. He glared down at me furiously, breathing heavily. "Who'd you get into a fight with? Who did this to you?" He asked in concern, his tone rising some. I inhaled then exhaled sharply, pulling my arm away from his grasp.

            "Oikawa and those other socs-"

            "OIKAWA?" Daichi yelled, narrowing his eyes fully and leaning in, as if to comprehend something he didn't understand. "Damn it! Why do they have to pull this every now and then?" He cursed under his breath, and I winced at how loudly he was yelling. He looked to the floor, and everything fell silent for a moment. Tanaka was fully awake now, his big eyes seeming to study me as Noya snored on his shoulder. Daichi then looked back to me, anger still apparent in his chocolate brown orbs. His face though, did begin to soften a little, much to mine and Tanaka's relief. "If this happens again, you tell me. You hear?" He said, making sure I knew full well what he wanted. I nodded.

            My big brother sighed as he rubbed the back of his head, seeming to be in deep thought about something. I glanced down at the soda pop in my shaky hand, which was no longer as cold. Tanaka put his hands on his hips, and stepped over to me, knocking Noya out of a deep slumber and causing him to trip. "You can come to me, kid brother," Tanaka said, jerking a thumb at himself, and I glanced up at his face. His expression was twisted into that of an angry, threatening one, one that he usually wore when he felt mad or pumped up to pummel the daylights out of someone. I had to smile at that. At least Tanaka would look out for me, instead of just blatantly scolding me like someone.

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