
"No. I need to tell him that I didn't mean it. I need to make up for it."

"Cameron, I don't think that's what really upset him," I said quietly.

"What else upset him?"

"I think simply kissing him set him off. If anything, I think he barely acknowledged whatever happened next."

Cameron tugged at his hair painfully. "Great. Just freaking great."

"Talk to him," I said, just as Faris slid int he seat between.

Cameron was a goner after that, eyes never parting the boy beside him, like he was the forbidden fruit.

Faris, on the other hand, was completely oblivious. He turned to me and launched into a series of questions involving his fist detention.

"I still can't believe you've never had detention. Not even at your old school?"

Faris frowned. "I'm not sure we even had detention back there."

"Sign me up," Cameron muttered.

I was surprised he was even listening to our conversation.

Faris ignored him. In fact, he only leaned farther away from Cameron.

Cameron, who didn't even notice because his eyes were still entranced by Faris to enable any of his other senses.

"So, I talked to my uncle," Fin said, casually, as we sat in a library desk while he tried to explain the theory of the first ever light bulb.

"Oh, what'd he say?" I said, trying to keep my cool.

Fin rubbed the back of his neck. "I think it's time you finally met him."

"Why?" I frowned.

"Because he has a lot to explain, and I can't do it all myself."

"Okay, when?"

Fin shrugged. "This weekend, of course."

"I have to wait another five days?" I groaned. "Fin, I'm going crazy."

He cracked a half smile. "At least you know I'm just as sane."

"Insane," I corrected.

His smile widened. "C'mon. Let's get this bit done at least."

I sighed, glancing at the clock. "I need to be at detention in a few minutes anyway."

He began packing his things away. "Prank backfired?"

I snorted. "You could say that. At least I got to see the look on her face. Priceless."

Fin shook his head, but was still grinning. "Someone should have filmed it."

I hummed. "I'll ask around."

He stood up. "Have fun."

"Yeah, yeah."

He pulled me against him, brushing his lips against mine briefly. "Come over tonight."

"Where else would I go?" I asked, but pulled him in closer, deepening the kiss for a few more seconds.

We pulled apart, and I avoided looking him in the eye as my heart clenched in my chest.


"Bye," I echoed, walking towards the exit, gripping the books in my hands.

I passed the door to the staircase, my stomach bubbling with a newfound emotion as I recalled yesterday's events.

I could almost feel Fin's hands on me, touching, caressing, kissing.

Then He Smiled [BoyxBoy]Where stories live. Discover now