"Sir Bobby, however may I thank you for saving my life?   I am forever in your gratitude!"  Bobby hugs me then reaches down and pokes Max in the side.

"You can get up now Milly."  Max makes no move. "Milly?  Get up Milly!"

"Yes Milly, get up." My dad stands in the doorway with an amused look on his face.  Bobby runs to him and hugs his legs.

"Grampy!  I slayed the nasty squishy monster that tried to hurt my mumma!  And I saw the new combine, can I go on it?" Bobby looks up at his grandad with adoration and I smile softly.  Max has stood up and wraps an arm around my shoulder, his cheeks slightly tinged pink from the position he was caught in.

"Max, can you go and get ready for the day.  I need you on a baler at Richardson's.  Donkey and Sam will join you later.  Don't forget some shear bolts, I can't be asked to drive all the way over to give you some."  He eyes Max's arm around me whilst he talks and glares at me.  I shrug and walk over to the doorway to watch Bobby as he kicks a stone around.

"What is going on Ron?  You know the rules and you know what I've told you about going out with a worker.." I cut him off angrily.

"...that they will never like me, they'll only be trying to get higher in the company or to gain part of the business then divorce me and try for a huge chunk of it.  Or they will never settle down and my heart will be broken.  Or they will use me for sex and I will be left behind.  I get it.  But have you considered the fact that there is nothing between us?  That we are just mates, that maybe he helped me get through a tough time.  That I am fully in control and will not get my heart broken like some pathetic fairy princess, like I have done in the past.  And who lets you dictate my life?  Last time I checked, I was in control of my life and you were not.  So leave what you don't know alone." I'm practically steaming at the end of my speech, which is unlike me considering I have the best temperament out of the three of us running the business.

"Alright, alright, wind your neck in.  I'm just trying to help.  Anyway, how's the little monster been?" He looks at my son proudly.

"He's great, seems a bit lonely though."

"Maybe you need to get him a friend or something?"

"Actually, that's..."

Donkey and Sam squeal into the yard, pulling to a stop by the parlour.  I turn back to the portacabin, filling the kettle and flicking it on and filling two cups with coffee and sugar.  They chat to my dad, drink their hot coffee then head out.  All the boys eventually get in and have their coffees then go off in various tractors, loaders and vehicles.  I turn to talk to my dad but he's walking away on the phone, so I leave him to it.  Bobby is absentmindedly tidying up the cups for me which makes me smile.  I check the time- 7:40.  OK, time to go.  I peek my head in to say goodbye to my dad and get Bobby bundled into the truck.  I'm about to pull out when my grandad taps on my window.

"Morning Ron, and Bobby.  Where are you off to?"

"Gotta get home, Bobby has Father's Day thing at school so got to be prepped and ready.  I'll see you at 4ish ok?"  He nods and walks off and I pull out of the yard.  Bobby is quiet in the seat next to me and I sense something is wrong.

"What's wrong buddy?"  He turns to me with big blue eyes and a wobbly bottom lip.

"Is Milly my daddy?" I sigh, I knew this would come eventually.

"No sweetheart.  Mummy went to the doctors and the doctor gave her a medicine so she could get pregnant with you." I try to phrase it as close to the truth as possible without making it too obvious.  He deserves his childhood for at least another 6 years, 10 if possible but that won't happen.

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