"I-I'm sorry Liam, I won't mess with you" Zach says, cowering in fear. Zayn shoves him out the way, walking over to Liam who backs away slightly.

Zayn makes sure to stop, raising his hands up a little. "Hey it's okay, don't be scared"

Liam looks down at his shoes, "Wh-Why did y-you do t-that?" "Harry told me Zach had you cornered so I told him to go to class and I'd handle it. Are you alright?" Liam nods quickly

"Sorry if I scared you, I just hate people like him. He's a fucking adult and he's bullying people" Zayn says shaking his head, cracking his knuckles.

Liam nods hesitantly, he's not going to lie he was pretty scared now. Zayn extends a hand, "C'mere, you know I wouldn't lay a finger on you" Liam immediately walks over, snuggling into Zayn's embrace.

"M'sorry" Zayn says rubbing his back. "Yo-You're f-fucking nu-nuts" Zayn pulls away frowning, "What?" "Za-Zach has fr-friends w-who can hu-hurt you. H-his dad is th-the founder" Liam says worriedly.

"Don't worry about that, okay? I don't give a shit who his dad is. If someone messes with you tell me, I'll handle it okay?" Liam smiles, "Yo-You're so v-violent"

"I know, but promise you I'm not like that" Liam smiles a little nodding, "I-I believe yo-you" he says already walking down the steps.

"Good, I don't know what I would've done if I found out Liam Payne was scared of me" Zayn says, wrapping an arm around Liam making him all flustered

"W-Why? I'm no-nobody" "That's not true, you are somebody. Don't ever think you aren't, yeah?" Liam shrugs, loving the feeling of Zayn's arm around him

"You hungry?  How about I take you to lunch, yeah? This was your last class right?" Liam nods smiling.

"Alright, well let's get pizza or something, my treat" "Y-You sure?" "Absolutely, besides who wouldn't want to eat lunch with a cutie like you?"

Liam seriously wanted to punch Zayn in his cute nose, he always made him feel flustered and he's starting to like it.

"O-Okay" Liam says as Zayn leads him out the classroom. "You know you should wear plaid more often, it looks amazing on you"

Liam hadn't heard a word he had said, as soon as Zayn took his hand leading him out the classroom all he heard was music

He'll forever let Zayn lead him anywhere, he just liked the tingling sensation whenever Zayn touched him

~ ~ ~

"So Liam, tell me about yourself" Zayn says, throwing his burger wrapper away into the trash can nearby.

Liam bites his lip, "I-I'd li-like to" he mumbles, biting his left over fries. "Well, why can't you?" Zayn asks, stealing one of Liam's French fries

Liam shrugs, "M-My stutter, I-I'll ta-take days" he says, looking down at his sneakers. "I still want to know you Liam, just take your time. I just like hearing you talk, you have a beautiful voice"

If Zayn was honest, he was insanely obsessed with Liam's voice. So what if he stutters? His voice still sounds perfect to him, he'd sit here and gaze at his beautiful face just hearing him talk about anything.

"I-I was bo-born here" "I was born in Bradford" "Wh-Why'd you m-move?" "My dad got a job here, it pays well. We've got a better house than we did before, it was pretty small. I had to share with my little sisters before"

"R-Really?" "Yeah, it was fun sometimes but then I wouldn't get a lot of privacy y'know?" Liam nods. "But now that we've moved, everyone has their own room"

Liam smiles, "I-I'm glad y-you and yo-you're family a-are g-g-good" he finally gets out, his cheeks red. "Thank you, that means a lot Li" Zayn says nudging his arm a little

Liam grins, "I-I was b-born on Au-August 29th" "I was born on January 12th, I'm just a couple months older than you" Zayn sing songs, bopping Liam's nose.

Liam grins, "B-But I'm bi-bigger than y-you" Zayn scoffs, "What does that have to do with anything?" "I-It has t-to do wi-with everything" Liam says, his eyes crinkling from smiling.

Zayn couldn't help but smile back at him, his smile was the most contagious thing in the whole world

Zayn leans over to kiss his nose, completely ignoring his reaction. Liam was caught off guard for a moment, since he was talking about batman.

Liam stared at the ground before leaning to kiss Zayn back, but on the neck. Liam hesitates slightly, before looking Zayn in the eye

"I wanna kiss you so bad Liam Payne" Zayn says quietly, making Liam's heart do flips. "W-why do-don't you?" Liam asks, starting to feel a little confident.

"May I? It's always nice to ask first" Zayn says, pulling the younger man closer to him. He had already had his hands caressing his face, so delicately as he was a fragile piece of glass

Liam swallows hard nodding, "Yo-You may" he says quietly. Zayn smiles before smashing his lips onto Liam who gasps, but it gets sucked into the kiss

Liam closed his eyes for a split second and saw fireworks bursting behind his lids. His arms find their way around Zayn's neck, just like from the club.

He moans slightly when Zayn tries to shove his tongue in his mouth, begging for entrance

Liam finally gave it to him, moaning loudly as Zayn explored his mouth. For an odd reason, Liam was thinking he would taste like burgers. But Zayn tasted like honey and tobacco, his two new favorite things

They both pull away for air, Liam breathes heavily holding onto on the stone of the brick wall behind him. "You alright?" Zayn asks, running his thumb across Liam's red, swollen lip.

Liam bites at it nodding, "I-I never im-imagined my f-f-first kiss t-to have to-tongue" Liam confesses, blushing brightly

Zayn smiles licking at his bottom lip, "I didn't think kissing you would be so damn addicting, more addicting than cigarettes" he says honestly, leaning in to bump his nose with Liam's cute little nose.

Liam blushes, thinking for a moment. So what did this mean? Just randomly kissing whenever?

He didn't want to have that friends with benefits thing Louis and Harry has. Liam would heart too much being in that position, having to watch the other leave after having meaningful sex.

Thank god he's a virgin though, he doesn't know how people go at it every night. It was weird, "You thinking pretty hard Li, what's wrong?"

Liam blinks a couple times shaking his head, "N-Nothing" "You sure? Did I do something wrong?"

Liam frowns, "N-No you we-we're fine. Your li-lips are s-soft" Zayn smiles, "So are yours, like little feathers" "R-Really?"

"Yeah" Zayn says smiling a little, Liam's stomach filled with butterflies. He doesn't have asthma, but every single time Zayn Malik had looked him in the eye with those gorgeous hazel orbs

He dies, just a little bit and in a good way.

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