Chapter 7

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Marshall raced home and immediately started a fire in his fire place, freezing. Being cold blooded made it even harder to keep warm, and he had one less blanket then before. He cuddled Schwabelle tight and breathed quickly to keep warm. As soon as he slipped inside snow dumped on the outside world, everywhere. He moaned in an irritated way as he slowly realized that he'd be snowed in for a while, freezing his butt off. He glanced around, looked towards his phone, then sighed. He wasn't going to be a nuisance and call Bubba as soon as he left. Plus, he'd look desperate and that would be weird. He was cool and sexy and edgy, not dependent on anyone. He enjoyed that image, and that was the way he wanted to keep it.

Bubba remained in the bath for a while, relaxing. He really did hope Marshall got home okay. He read an old book, one that he read probably fifty times. After soaking he managed to clean himself and stand, then dry off. He waddled like a penguin for the first few steps, legs stiff and spread. Some time passed and the pain became tolerable, then he dressed for the rest of the day with a less than pleased frown. Sometimes he hated the clothes he wore. Pink and purple were very nice colors, but he felt it was over kill. Even his boxers were pink, purple, or both pink and purple combined in some pattern. That was why he loved his black shirt so much; not only did Marshall give it to him, it also provided a chance to express himself, even if it was only during bed time. He moved down to do his work, placing his readers on his face as he did every time he had to read.

After the house began warming up, Marshall fell asleep with his zombie cat, floating softly with his sweetie curled on his chest. They both rested for days in this position, catching up on sleep and enjoying the warmth. About three days into the storm Marshall wakes, feeling hungry. Bubba's blood didn't hold him off for quite as long as he thought it would. He floated into the kitchen and found that his fridge and pantry was once again empty. He had devoured Bubba's gift already, and suddenly felt a surge of anger. Marshall kicked a can across the room in absolute frustration and fury. Nothing to eat, once again. He didn't really have any money, or spare things lying around that he could sell. Marshall sat down and pouted, sticking a piece of cinnamon gum in his mouth, incredibly upset at his situation. A poor, hungry, cold king.

About an hour passed of Marshall's stomach rumbling when there was a knock on the door. He frowned and went to answer it, opening the door with a blanket around his shoulders. He was rather shocked to see a banana guard on the other side, looking very cold. "Uh..." Marshall Lee began, squinting. "Yes?"

"Mr. Abadeer, the prince has requested me to go and retrieve you. He said he wished to see you at once." The guard shivered, watching Marshall skeptically. "I really couldn't tell you why."

"I'm coming, frozen chocolate covered banana." He teased. "Wait here."

"Hurry up!" He responded in an irritated tone as Marshall shut the door and dressed himself in a nice outfit. Bubba wanted to see him, so he wanted to impress. As he looked at himself in the enchanted mirror, he chuckled in disbelief. Bubba made him do the weirdest things, including dress up and turn all mushy, without even asking. He had dressed in nice black dress pants, a white long sleeved shirt, a grey vest, a red tie, and grey suede dress shoes. He put in a ruby earring and puffed his mohawk to his liking, then threw an old book in a bag and scooped up Schwabelle. He couldn't leave her to freeze. He threw on his heavy coat and exited with his things, locking his door. Buried in an old scarf, he followed the guard to Monochromicorn, who was breathing hard and shivering. Clearly they were going through a lot of trouble to pick Marshall up, especially in this blizzard.

"Thanks... Uh, I'll tell Bubba to make sure he treats you both for this." Both the unicorn and banana guard nod at him, and they take off. Marshall curled into his cat and held on to his things. They arrived at the castle within ten minutes, as Monochromicorn was extremely fast. Marshall hopped off and entered the castle, running in to escape the bone chilling air, wind, and snow outside. He looked around a minute before Peppermint Maid approached with a smile that wasn't fake. She seemed to be happy, and was. If Marshall made Bubba happy then that was that, and it was fine by her.

Prince Gumball X Marshall LeeWhere stories live. Discover now