It was none other than Chris Readman.

"It seems like I've found a fellow guild mate that shares the same bloodline limit..." Readman said while smirking.

"Um... Yosuke-san, do you know that guy?" The blonde girl asked.

"Laura-san, this man is the embodiment of what an Anime Otaku means."


"The legendary YourTuber who is said to have the largest pieces of original anime collections that originated in the 21st century. The only one in this century that has the Final Arc DVD sets of One Piece! He's called... Sensei the Anime Relic Hunter! I just can't believe I heard his real name right here!"

"Eh?! He's that great, Yosuke-san?"

"Of course, Laura-san! Once he made a ruckus in the anime world by uploading a video in When he talks about the last pieces of One Piece's legendary DVDs, he wore a cape and said: 'I'll release this when the right time comes...' That video is still getting dislikes and hateful comments up to this day!"

"So, your names are Yosuke-kun and Laura-san, eh? It's nice to meet the both of you." Sensei greeted the two. "But a little advice in your end, Yosuke-kun."


Sensei tapped his right hand in Yosuke's shoulder and muttered in his ear.

"Girls in that caliber will only result in disappointment, Yosuke-kun. Hohohoho!"

Laughing while his lips were closed, the guy known as Sensei just walked between Yosuke and Laura like some king who ruled over the kingdom. But deep inside his heart, he was just jealous of Yosuke.

While Laura was left with a face full of shock and disappointment, Yosuke was standing there like a foot soldier when his superiors were walking in front of him. It was his respect for the man who was responsible for the growing interest of 21st century anime in new Tokyo.


Yosuke and Laura was about to continue to walk their way to the guild's main building when another man with eye glasses and seemed to be one of their upperclassmen, approached them.

He was also wearing a white and red uniform while he raised his hand and greeted the two. But it seemed like he was already expecting them as he was looking at Laura since they entered the gate.

"Oh, if it wasn't Vincent-senpai. How do you do?"

"You know him, Laura-san?"

"Glad to meet you, Masuda-kun. I'm Vincent Seymour, A Trinity Alpha member. I'm a year older than you so I hope we can get along well." The man named Vincent introduced himself with a smile.

Yosuke had a face of someone who had seen a ghost. He just became aware that the man who was in front of them was an upperclassman and probably a veteran in the guild. He realized that he must put a good expression that would impress his senpai.

"G-g-glad to meet you too, Senpai! I'm Yosuke Masuda! The ultimate maso..."

"Um... Masuda-kun, you really don't have to repeat your introduction earlier."

"By the way, Vincent-senpai. Why are you here?"

"Oh. I heard that rookies are free to roam the guild's compound in their first day. So, how about I take you on a tour here, Laura-san?"

"Really? That would be great, right, Yosuke-san?"

However, the Laura and her senpai noticed something strange about the janitor boy.

[Virtual World] Cyber Abyss Volume 2: A Guild Called TrinityWhere stories live. Discover now