Uh, Excuse Me? Mr. Demon? Are You Sure This Is HEAVEN? 'Cause It Feels More Like HELL. (excerpt 2)

Start from the beginning

"No." the boy responded, but I was. I was lost. Lost in the hilarity of it all.

I could no longer choke back the laughter, and it spilled out of my mouth so fast it was like and overflowing fountain.

All head's in the entrance (Peter and the girl's) except for the green-eyed boy's shot up to look in the direction of the sound that seemed to rain down from above them.

The girl looked up at me, her eyes widening when she saw whom it was, "You!" she cried, "You think it's funny that a little boy is lost?"

This caused me to laugh even harder.

"Little boy?" I gasped in between chuckles, "He has to be older then seventeen!"

At this the boy looked up, his eyes wide in surprise, "You!" (did no one here know my name?) He called out to me pointing to me, "How do I appear to you?"

"Like a seventeen year old boy," I responded leaning out over the banister, "with raven black hair, and eyes like..." his eyes met mine then, and I felt my body go numb, my hands seemed to slump, and I began to tumble over the edge of the banister having leaned to far.

For the fifteen seconds that I fell I knew there were screams, and I could sense movement, maybe Peter trying to catch me, but I only had one thought.

One; "Blood. Eyes red like blood." For this was how the boy's eyes had now appeared. No longer were they the bright emerald green that I had first seen, no, they were red now, red like blood, like death.

But whose death? Mine I could only suppose, because after the fifteen seconds had come and gone, there were no more thoughts, just an ever-stretching darkness.

What happened? Where was I? Who was I? These were the things I no longer knew, and the darkness refused to offer me any answer to any of these questions. What was...?

And suddenly a light illuminated the never-ending shadows. It was a bright light, so bright I had to shield my eyes from it. As I let the light shine down upon me it was suddenly as if the darkness was filled again, but with sounds.

Voices, telling me not leave, telling me to hold on, calling me to come back. Back where? I didn't know. But the light, the light called me towards it, and its pull was stronger.

I pushed away the voices that seemed to be more frantic as I left them, "Come back!" they screamed, and it hurt my ears. I shook my head and pushed away. The light... the light... I needed it; I felt an ache inside me that needed the light.

The minute I steeped into its protective glow the voices went away, and that made me feel happy. I wasn't sure why, since the voices seemed to be my only company here in this dark world.

The air around me suddenly thickened, and I found myself pushing it away, as the light shrank, and dimmed once again becoming a point far off in the distance, yet slowly growing bigger as I walked towards it.

I walked, shoving away the air, struggling through the narrow gaps that it allowed, not knowing where I was going but needing to get there. My breaths came in shallow gasps; I was struggling with this task of reaching the light. Part of me just wanted to sit down and give up. But the light kept calling, and I kept coming.

The light grew larger and larger until suddenly it was in front of me, sparkling with all its might. I pushed away the last of the things constricting me and was hit with a wall of light. Putting my hand up to block my view of this blinding shine, I stopped for a moment and had a thought.

Where was I going? The question seemed to bounce around in the quiet and silence, and the never-ending glow of light. Was this worth it, this quest of mine that I had only taken upon myself for the sake of satisfying my curiosity?

I suppose so, after all, I needed answers and this dark place only seemed to offer more questions. Taking a deep as breath as the area would allow I shoved forwards through the wall of light surrounded by its dazzling perfection until suddenly it was gone.

For a second, I didn't want to open my eyes. What if I was back in the darkness? Then all of this struggle would have been for nothing. Then I took, a shaky breath, and lifted one eyelid, then the other.

I wasn't back in the darkness, but I was no longer in the blinding light place. Now, I was in a field of golden wheat, a light blue-sky overhead and a bright sun smack dab in the middle, warming me and the ground I stood upon. The wheat basked in the soft glow of sunlight, and a light breeze blew across, the wheat rippled looking like a small golden wave as it did so.

But there was one place that the wave didn't blow across, as though something was in its way. Gingerly, as not to crush any of the wheat's plants, I made my way over the only unmoving area.

I soon discovered that in that very spot was a boy.

He was more of a man than a boy really. He looked about seventeen, with raven black hair that was messily tossed around, wearing a light brown tunic and fawn colored trousers. Also, he was lying down, trapping the wheat beneath him, which was why it hadn't moved when the wind had blown.

I leaned in closer to get a better look at him, and as I did so, I blocked his sunlight, casting a shadow over his face. The change of lighting must have awoken him, because his eyes snapped open, and I found myself looking into bright emerald green eyes.

I felt as if I had seen these eyes somewhere else before, but I couldn't recall any memory of it. Just a simple feeling, instinct, that told me nothing.

"You're here. Took you long enough." The boy said, as he pushed himself up so that he was sitting, and still staring at me. He seemed to know me, so why didn't I know him?

"Who are you?" I asked. It sounded so strange, hearing my voice. It was as if it was the first time I used it, like the sound was completely new to my ears. I never remembered speaking before, just thinking.

"You don't remember me?" the boy asked. I shook my head. I didn't. In fact, I couldn't remember anything... well nothing but the darkness, and the light, and this. It was as though I had just been born into the world. Strange.

The boy's brow furrowed, and he mumbled something about possibly getting the wrong girl. It was then that it happened. He blinked, and suddenly his emerald eyes shifted into ones with a blood red color.

I gasped, and the boy shot his gaze up to me. "What?" he asked, but he didn't say it in a confused tone. Not a curious one either. It was... well, in a more demanding way than anything.

"You're eyes." I said softly, "How did you do that? Change them from green to red?"

"So it is you. But why..." he trailed off, then instantly his eyes snapped up to me, taken over by a sudden seriousness, "Did you come from the forest over there?" he demanded.

Forest? I spun around and sure enough from where I came loomed a giant forest, with tree's that stretched so high they seemed to touch the clouds, their craggy bark forming an impenetrable wall.

Out here it was light, but I could see that in the inner workings of the forest no light ever reached the ground due to the tree's thick jade colored leaves. Another gust of wind blew, and the leaves rustled loudly sounding like rain as they brushed against one another. It was so loud I wondered how I had missed the sound before.

Suddenly I knew what the forest was. The darkness. It made sense, it had been the trees I had been pushing past in an effort to reach the light, and the wall of light I had seen must have been the daylight shining through the breaks in between the wall of trees.

(And that's all I have so far of chapter one ☺ {incase you didn't realize, I wasn't finished with the chapter yet lol})

Yah, I was bored so I wrote that cause I wanted to take a break on everything else. It's not like this is a new permanent story (unless you guys want it to be or something) and if anyone wants to help with a title for this that'd be awesome. By the way, Enemy's brother will be out in a little bit, smidge case of writes block :D



Uh, Excuse Me? Mr. Demon? Are You Sure This Is HEAVEN? 'Cause It Feels More Like HELL. (Group)Where stories live. Discover now