The begining!

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It was a regular, boring day at school. I walked in sat down and listened to my Social Studies teacher talk about what happened last night with his son. Then someone knocked on the classroom door, it was our principal. He came in and talked to us about our new student joining our class. I roll my eyes.
He left to go retrieve the new student. 'Poor kid, joining our school, he's gonna be really disappointed.' I thought. The teacher continued with his story and was, again, interrupted by another knock at the door. He walked over and opened it revealing a thin, tall boy with blue eyes, Carmel brown hair, and an anxious look on his face.
I watched the principal introduce him to everyone in the class. "Ok everyone this is Jack, our new student that will be joining you, now be sure to treat him with respect" he said confidently and left the room. Our teacher told him he could have a seat anywhere. Of course with me being the only one staring at him still, like the creep I am, he walked over and chose the seat in front of me. He turned around to look at me, we made eye contact and I smiled, he blushed while turning back around.
Our teacher went on with talking but I completely zoned out and started daydreaming about how a day with the new kid, Jack, would be like. Soon I was interrupted by our teacher calling my name out to read. My face went straight to bright red, of course, and I got so flustered. Jack turned around and whispered to where we left off, I found it and started reading again. I tapped him on the shoulder and whispered back thank you. He shook his head.
'Why did he have to pick me. He knows I don't do well with that sorta thing.' I questioned myself in my head. The bell rang and I packed up my stuff. Usually I'm the last to leave, but I guess not today because I looked back up to see Jack politely waiting for me. I smiled and said "you know you don't have to wait for me, right?" He smiled lightly back and shrugged. 'This kid doesn't talk very much does he?' I thought to myself standing up and walking out with him by my side.
I asked him where is next class was and he actually talked for once. He said he had Jurey next 'oh fun he actually might have the same schedule as me' I thought while smiling to myself. I showed him where her room was and told him to have a seat next to me for now, he set his stuff down and looked around. "Is something wrong, Jack?" I questioned. "'s just I'm not really a people type person." He said shyly. "Don't worry Jack, I'll show you around." I smiled as I sat down next to him.
Time passes and it eventually becomes lunch. I could see Jack was nervous on who he would have to sit next too. I looked at him and he briefly looked at me, I guided him to the good lunch line and talked to him. "So, how do you like the school so far?" I asked shyly. "It' I don't know it's cool and all but the only thing I actually like here and it's right next to me." He said while looking down playing with his hoodie strings. I stared in shock for a couple seconds and my face turned red really fast.
"W-what do you like that's beside you?" I choked out a sentence. "Well it has [H/C] beautiful hair, [E/C] hypnotizing eyes, a smile that can brighten anyone's day, her name is [Name]." He said confidently. I froze, dazed, at what he had just said. I continued to stand their in shock while the line moved up some, Jack kinda just pulled me forward while getting his lunch. I grabbed mine and found us a spot to sit at.
While we sat there I finally said something "Is that true?" I mumble out. He put down his food and looked at me and moved his head up and down, then continued to eat. I looked at my food, staring at all the disgusting lunch food sitting in front of me. Jack pushed my shoulder slightly, "Is something wrong [Name]? You haven't touched your food." He asked sounding confused and worried. "Mhm, I'm just not....hungry right now." I managed to say. I was still in shock from what Jack had said, I mean he had just met me and I was already his favorite thing here.
He got up to throw away his food, looked at me, and walked towards the trash can. A lot of things were going through my head and for some reason I couldn't process it. I heard one of the trash cans skid across the floor, I look over to see Jack being teased by a couple jocks. I sighed as I got up and grabbed my tray as to make it look if I was throwing my food away. As I got closer I could start to hear things they were saying.
"Hey, string bean" the short one said while letting out a small chuckle, as so did the others. "Trying to figure out how to throw yourself away too?" The taller one chimed in. "We would help you but, we wouldn't want to hurt you on accident." The more built one said, all of them started laughing at this comment. "Uh...I was just trying to throw my food a-away..." Jack stuttered out. 'Oh no, Jack is so terrified' I thought to myself as I got closer.
When I got there I put my trash in and stood next to Jack, I tried to keep my cool but my face always gets red of course. "Is there a problem here, nerds?" I said with a little shake in my voice. "Who you calling nerds, whore?!" The taller one questioned. I swallowed, scared on what they were gonna do. "Oh ha. Ha. So original," I smirked, "what are you gonna do about it?" Before I could register anything the built one pushed against the wall the while the short and tall one pushed Jack against the wall as well.
I mentally screamed at the thought of hurting Jack, as much as I hate to say, Jack wasn't all the bad looking. His blue eyes, the way his hair falls in his face sometimes, his perfect smile, height and weight, everything about him was my thing. I then heard him say my name, "[Name]!" I literally think I felt my heart break on how he said it, he made it sound as if he was hurt and couldn't talk.
The built "jock" held me against the wall as they dragged Jack away outside. I had a pretty good idea on where they were taking him, the campsite in the woods. The place where the jocks would take girls for a "good" time, the thought of that made me shiver. I couldn't help Jack, I couldn't move, I was being held against my will against this...brick wall. "Please, let me go, I won't bother u again as long as u don't hurt him. Please..." I said before my eyes watered up. He just looked at me and laughed "Stupid girl, it's too late they're taking him out there and going to torture him." He laughed at his remark.
I was still surprised no one was helping, or even seen it happening, not even the teachers. Every time I would try to break free, he would just tighten his grip. I felt helpless not being able to help Jack, I whimpered inside and stared at the jock holding me against the wall. Then he got a text, his friends I'm assuming, he texted back and looked at me. He laughed and let me off the wall, go see your little boyfriend now.
I ran off towards the doors and into the woods, looking at the campsite in the distance. As I was running I saw the other two walking away, one had a bit of black stuff on his shirt, I didn't know what though. As I got closer I seen Jack laying lifelessly on the ground on his side. "No, no no no. Jack please be ok!" I yelled as kneeled beside him. I turned him over to reveal his face, covered in black tar.
"Oh Jack, what have they done?..." I trailed off and started to cry. I seen his eyes flash open, except his eyes were gone. "J-Jack your eyes! They're gone!" I screamed. I was frightened, of course, I don't know what to think or do. It was almost too obvious he was in pain. So much pain.
I had to try to do something, so I started to walk towards him. As he looked in my direction he growled. Growled! What happened to him, he was acting like an animal. "Jack..." I said cautiously. "[Name]? Why are you out here? Go back! I don't want to hurt you!" He said viciously. I backed away a bit. "Hurt me? Jack, you ca-" I was cut off by him pushing me to the ground.
"[Name]...they put a curse on me, all I have a craving for is flesh now. They made me this way. Just go!" He hissed in my face. I started to whimper. "Jack...please don't make me leave you. I want to help you. Maybe I can..." He got up before I could finish and ran off deeper into the woods. The last thing I heard from his mouth while he running off was, "I'll never forgot you, [Name]."

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 31, 2016 ⏰

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