Chapter 10: Cora?

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~Jasper P.O.V.~

I heard a knock on my door. "Jasper, you need to come out. We're moving back to Forks. Edward has finally realized that even us leaving can't keep that stupid human out of trouble," said Rosalie, trying to reason with me through the door. I knew that I was worrying the whole family, but I just couldn't find the will to leave my room. I knew I had to, and I knew that if they all left me here I would feel even worse. Worst case scenario I could lock myself in my room when we got home. I unlocked the door, and open it. "It's great to see you Jasper," said Rosalie, hugging me. We had gained a strong brother-sister bond over the years, because we pretended to be twins. "You should probably go hunting before we leave. Do you want someone to go with you?" she asked. "No, I'd rather just go alone. I'll meet you at the car in a half-hour," I replied. "Alright," she said, looking sad. She left the room, and I went into my closet. I changed clothes, and then I jumped out of the window. 

I had to walk into the forest, because I was weak from not hunting. I needed to reserve what energy I had left for catching my prey. When I made it into the forest I stopped, and took a deep breath of the air. I could smell a bear near by. I took off following the scent. When I caught sight of the bear I pounced. I ripped open the throat of the bear with my teeth, and drank the sweet warm blood. I could feel more of my strength coming back with every swallow. After I finished draining the bear, I went after a few deer who, unfortunately for them, caught my attention. 

After I was done hunting, I felt a lot stronger. I ran back to the house in time to see Esme and Carlisle pulling out of the driveway in Carlisle's Mercedes. I walked into the garage to see Rosalie and Emmett packing things into the BMW. "We're almost ready to go, you better grab what ever your wanting to take with you," said Rosalie. I went up to my room, and grabbed a few of my favorite books. I also grabbed my mothers ring. If I ever saw Cora again, I know she is the one I want to give it to. My mother always told me to give it to the girl that I was irrevocably in love with. It never felt right giving it to Alice, and now that I had met Cora I knew why. I put it in my pocket, and walked back downstairs to the garage. 

"You ready to go?" asked Emmett

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"You ready to go?" asked Emmett. I replied with a nod of my head. I go into the back of the BMW, Rosalie got in the drivers seat, and Emmett got in the passenger seat. Rosalie started the car, and I watched out the window as the house we had been living in for the past few months faded away.

*Time Skip to Arriving in Forks*

We were just on the outskirts of Forks, and Rosalie insisted on having all of the windows rolled down. She missed the smell of the rain. It had just finished raining, and everything was drenched. I just closed my eyes and took in the scent of Forks. The smell of the forest mixed with the smell of fresh rain was so familiar. I missed it. Then another scent caught my attention, it was sweet. It smelled amazing, it was a scent that I was hoping that I would be able to smell again. It was Cora. "Stop The Car!" I shouted at Rosalie. "Jasper, I am in the middle of the main road, I can't just stop," said Rosalie. "Now," I said more feral this time. "Rose, I think it would be better if you pulled over, before he jumps out of the car while its at full speed. You know with all the humans around," Emmett advised. She did as he said, and I got out of the car. "Jasper? Where are you going?" asked Rosalie. "She's here, and I need to find her," I replied.

A/N: There I updated! I feel pretty good about this chapter, so let me know what you think. 

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