Chapter 2

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Dear Robot Diary,

It's day two of Freak Week and so many weird things already happened. Harry confessed his love to Mr. Kevin, Banana tried to work on her jumping jacks, which didn't work out well. And you are probably wondering, "What about Crush?" (You probably weren't wondering that, were you?). He's been sitting in the corner mumbling to himself. About what? I have no idea. I am not going to go over there and ask him no way, I'll just embarrass myself like I did in middle school, and high school..

Anyways, nothing crazy personal has came out of any of these peoples mouths. Thank goodness. I don't think I can take a lot of emotion right now when I am stuck in a room with a ton of different people.


(Sorry Harry was looking at my screen again, I tried to make you look like a boring grocery list)

BACK TO THE POINT, I really want to know what Crush is thinking about over there. Should I go over there? No I'll say something stupid. Maybe I won't say something stupid and we will fall in love and run away together in the world of raining cats and dogs. Yeah that won't happen.

Hey, I haven't told you anything about what Crush looks like. Crush has soft, fluffy, brown hair, hazel eyes that look like melted chocolate. Chocolate, I want chocolate. Chocol- CRUSH I'M TALKING ABOUT CRUSH. He is one of the smartest kids in our school. He has the highest GPA in our whole grade, and he plays the piano. I fall for guys who play instruments so fast. And guys who dress nice. Yeah, that's nice.

He's not like any other guy I have met. Of course he needs to go to the bathroom and he accidentally puts his pants on backwards sometimes, but I get this weird vibe from him. But it's a good vibe.

Day two of Freak Week gave me a pretty weird vibe too. I woke up this morning with Marmie's feet laying across my face, we were squeezed under the staircase. Apparently, Mr. Kevin had to put us under there to protect us from whatever is happening outside. This kid from my creative writing class bursted in earlier this morning with a layer of socks all over him.

There was a SOCK TSUNAMI.

We live pretty close to the water and I guess it turned into a giant laundry basket just for socks, then swoosh! Attack of the sock wave!

The kid's name is Michael and he is pretty close to Harry, when they saw each other they gave each other some bro hug, even if Michael was covered in a layer of dirty socks. I looked over at Banana and Marmie and they were recreating the hug. God, I love my best friends.

"Hey Lace! Get in this!!" I heard Marmie yell. I ran over to those two dumbs and got pulled into the hug. I looked down at Crush who was still sitting in the corner. He was writing in his notebook, about who knows what? When Marmie and Banana let me go, I went over to Crush and sat down next to him.

"Hey Lace." He said without even looking up at me. "Hi, what a crazy freak week so far, huh???" I blurted out. Nice going Lace, great conversation starter. He laughed, "Yeah, I can smell Michael from all the way over here." "He definitely smells like socks." I laughed. "Hey what are you working on?" I asked "Well, I play the piano and I was working on this new song that I can play at my cousin's wedding." He finally looked up at me.

When he looked at me I swear there was some type of fire. Some sort of crazy electricity. I never want this conversation to end.

I finally asked him, "Do you sing?" and he looked down and told me that he does but not a lot of people know about it. Wow he sings. I like him more and more every minute. Just imagine this Robot Diary! Crush singing to me. Crush singing about me??! This is all too much for me to handle. This will never happen if I embarrass myself in front of him though. Which I am doing right now.

Actually, Harry is embarrassing himself right now trying to tell some sort of crazy joke to everyone but no one is responding to it. If only it was April Fools, he could be like "APRIL FOOLS GUYS THIS JOKE WASNT SUPPOSED TO BE FUNNY."

Anyways, thanks for being my weird, cool, friend that I can have a one way conversation with. You're cool.

6 more days.


(Hey thanks for the amazing opportunity to have us collaborate on this novella with you WritingWith . You are great and awesome.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 03, 2016 ⏰

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