Chapter Six

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Chapter 6

I drummed my fingers lightly against the flap of my bag. Another day of school. My last day of school.

I passed the gates feeling slightly morose, and ignored the stares of my unwanted audience.

I trundled through my morning, listening to the teachers for once. At least I would've learned something. There's a theory which goes, 'If your mental ability is high, your social skills are low. And if your social skills are high, your mental ability is low.'

I slipped away after lunch, hoping to avoid being with Annabelle alone. But as soon as I knew the canteen would be full, I went back in and walked up to our usual table, which was almost full.

"Hey," I said, looking around.

Annabelle jumped, and made a strangled noise in her throat.

"Holy- don't scare me like that!" she gasped, hand on her heart.

"Sorry," I grinned. "So, did you watch The Vampire Diaries last night?"

"No I missed it, I was getting my hair dyed but no fear! Hopefully the repeat will be on," she said hopefully.

"I'm guessing you missed Terra Nova too?" I asked. I loved sci-fi, especially Doctor Who.

"You watch that?!" exclaimed someone sitting diagonally across from me.

Annabelle and I both turned to look at him.

"Uhh, not that I was listening or anything." he hastily added.

Annabelle rolled her eyes with a smile, then turned back to me. "No, I've seen adverts for it but I don't really watch that sort of thing." she told me.

We talked as we ate our lunch, and when the bell rang a familiar pang went though my heart.


"Je vis en Amérique, j'ai un petit frère et ma matière préférée à l'école est le sport. Je suis sur l'équipe de cheerleading, Ma couleur préférée est le rose, je n'ai pas un animal et je ne 't ont un emploi. Je n'ai pas un petit ami. Mon plat préféré est le chocolat, je n'aime pas les films d'horreur ou des films d'aventure. Je préfère sortir que de rester po Mon passe-temps favori est le cheerleading et écouter de la musique. Quand je suis plus âgé que je voulons être une maquilleuse ou un créateur de mode."

I wrote a paragraph 'All About Me' for a French mini-test (lying through most of it) and handed it in. I noticed Annabelle staring at my paper perplexed, and I almost panicked.

Of course; I'd never shown interest in French before, playing my character safe.

I gritted my teeth, annoyed with myself. Way to go, someone's suspicious and it's my last day!

But when she brought her gaze to mine, I shrugged and smirked. She looked confusedly at me, and I whispered,

"I made up half the words. Wouldn't be surprised if she thought I was writing in Spanish, or something." I took care to sound nonchalant, and she relaxed.

Phew. That was close...

I couldn't help but feel nervous after that. I'd been in plenty of hair-raising situations, but I never became accustomed to the panicked feeling.

Finally, fourth period was over. Friday afternoons usually held an assembly, and my class trundled our way to the gym.

I felt my eyelids drooping as the Head of the school droned his speech.

"It is the end of week three, and students are already showing signs of neglect to studying. Exams are soon, and due to last year's results I would like you to commit further into work..."

I zoned out for a while, not hearing a word he said.

Which is why I jumped, when the people around me started getting up, and the bell rang to signal the end of the day. Mumbles and chattering sounded around me, and I headed towards my locker.

I hugged Annabelle, and the rest of the cheerleading team before saying my farewells. But none of them knew I was leaving the school.

As I stood between the gates to Summerville High, I silently said goodbye, before turning to head for home.


The paragraph in French means:

"I live in America, I have a younger brother and my favourite subject in school is sport. I am on the cheerleading team, My favourite colour is pink, I don't have a pet and I don't have a job. I dont have a boyfriend. My favourite food is chocolate, I dont like horror movies or adventure movies. I prefer going out than staying in. My favourite hobby is cheerleading and listening to music. When I am older I want to be a make up artist or a fashion designer."

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