A Feeling Like This

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Brant's POV

My heart is starting to hurt with how hard it's beating, the fear for my boys has me feeling useless. Letting up on the gas and dropping down to second as we hit a curve, I step back on the petal, shifting back up to third and taking a quick look left to make sure we are keeping up with everyone else. They pick up speed as we hit the main road heading deeper into the mountains and away from town. As I hit the fifth and last gear I hear Ray draw in a deep breath. Glancing over at her an overwhelming feeling of hatred boils deep within my chest. Looking back at the road I bit down on my bottom lip.

"Go ahead and say whatever it is." Ray says in a small voice.

The sound of her voice has me tightening my hands around the wheel, until my knuckles turn white, but I remain silent. "Please Brant, just say it." I can hear her turning in her set to look at me.

Releasing my lip I unleash my fury in a cold and deathly tone. "When my sons are home safe in my wife's arms you better run, cause I'm going to kill you." Keeping my eyes locked on the road I quickly add. "I might just go ahead and kill you as soon as we get in the mines, let everyone think the others did it."

Sebastian's POV

The wind caresses my jet black fur, as my large paws dig into the cold damp earth, pulling me closer to the abandoned mines, the sound of my dog tags rattle with each powerful stride I take. My father runs to my left, his own tags catching the light of the moon, with Dom and Adriel to his left. Luke runs to my right, head healed high, taking in the different scents around us. I hear Brant pull another gear, as he and Ray race along beside us on the road. Focusing on the forest ahead I try to push the crushing feeling of fear out of my mind, but it keeps crawling slowly back in, bring along with it images of the boys, my boys from the vision. I keep telling myself it's not them, their not real, but this overwhelming feeling of protectiveness runs deep inside me. So deep I feel I'm in slow motion, like my legs are made of stone and the ground is water trying to pull me down in to it's dark depths.

As we come to the main road I pick up my speed, letting my wolf side take over. Heart pumping, muscles burning I let the fear push me to lung bursting speeds, as the images of my two sons once again resurface in my head, starting from the first breath they took, to their last. "Their not real!" I growl at myself.

As the last image of the black haired possibilities fade from my mind I feel a soft nudge on my left side. Slowing down I come to a stop just at the bottom of a hill and shift back.   Breathing hard I rest both my hands on my head trying to slow my racing heart. As the last sounds of bones shifting back in to place stop Dad stands on a rock. "Ok the portal to the mines is just over the next ridge." Before he can go on his car slides to a stop at the back of the pack.

Taking one last deep breath I drop my arms to my sides, as Brant and Ray join Dom and Luke just to the left of me. "As I was saying the portal is just over this next ridge, so I want everyone low so our sent stays down wind." He stops looking over the crowd. "We want to hit them hard and fast, so we're going to spilt up in three groups. The first will be lead by Luke taking East, the second will be lead by Adriel coming from the West and the last will be lead by me coming head on." I look around as everyone nods with his plan. "I need the fastest wolfs and vampires to come with me and the rest split and go with the other two."

I watch as everyone splits into three groups and just as we are about to turn Ray stops us. "Wait!" We all turn as she makes her way to the front with the group leaders. "I need something of everyone's." Everyone gives her a questioning look, as she rolls her eyes and let's out a quick breath. "So I can put a protection spell on them." Looking from her to Dom, he gives me a slow nod indicating she's telling the truth. Slowly I pull my dog tags over my head and hand them to her, after that I watch as each member of our pack hands over their own set of dog tags. "Luke." Ray says looking at him and some of his pack members.

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