Ashlee x Shitockk

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"No this is wrong" Ashlee uttered in a small voice. Heat flushed her cheeks as she gazed upon the handsome man in front of her. It couldn't be wrong, not when it felt so right. His ogre like features glistened in the moon light.

"I want you to ravage my pussy Ashlee." Mr. Shittok whispered. Ashlee bit her lip as she tried to subdue her arousal. Everything about the situation was so sensual yet so invigorating. She couldn't pass up an opportunity like this.

"Okay I'll do it." She stated.

"You'll do what?" Mr.Shittok pryed.

"I'll ravage your pussy. Heck, I'll murder it." Ashlee choked out. Passion was bubbling in her chest. She needed him and his huge ogre vagina right then and there.

She didn't care that he was 50 and she was 12 1/2. In that moment she wouldn't even care if he was a sk8er boi. She wasn't going to say see you later to this boy. Not right now.

She pushed Shittok onto a park bench near by. Without a second thought she was strataling his thicc body. She roughly pushed up his shirt, earning a view of his perky little tits.

His pink pepperoni nipple glistened with sweat and anticipation. His eyes were sealed shut and the look on his face screamed take me. Ashlee started to slap his little tits. Each time she delivered a slap she added more force.

"Oh mommy! Play hot cross buns!" Shinstick screamed out.

Never did Ashlee imagine her teacher would be writhing under her touch. She smirked.

"I don't know how to play hot cross buns fat boy." The tone she carried was ambiguous. It carried both notes of mischief and lust.

She hurriedly fished her trusty straw from her back pocket. Excitement overshadowing her simple movement. Her chest rising and falling, a smirk that ceased to leave her lips.

"Open wide baby boy." She said lowly. She peered into his hooded murky brown eyes. She could see his mind was racing with anticipation about what she would do next.

In a swift motion she shoved the plastic straw up her tight nose hole. Inhaling heavily she summoned a large chunk of mucus out of her nose and into the straw. The she proceeded to push the line of snot down the straw by blowing out of her nose.

Each moment the line of snot got closer to falling into Mr. Shittok mouth she came closer to her euphoria. Finally after watching the snot slowly make it's way through the straw it dropped. In one satisfying plop the mucus ball fell into her lovers mouth.

Shinstick instantly swallowed giving her a reluctant smile. Ashlee returned it.

"MMH tastes like ranch." He said.

Ashlee smiled climbing off of the swarthy belly of the man. She outstretched her hand to help her exhausted lover up.

"Let's go back to my place so I can ravage your pussy like you asked." She said sweetly.

"Okay papa!" Shittok giggled and clapped his beefy hands.

Before leaving to have intercourse they gazed at the sunset. Replaying the acts they had just done. It was a beautiful scene. A  thicc ogre sitting on a park bench with his young and skinny master staring at the burning hues of the orange and yellow in the sky in front of them. Whilst he stared at her.

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