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A/N: So I doubted between two alternate endings for this chapter, I hope I chose the right one and you guys are gonna be happy with it.

Oh also since i'm working again like almost full time be free to give me a scolding if I don't do my daily updates, feel free to spam my inbox for updates because it actually motivates me to continue writing because I otherwise sometimes procrastinate , lol i'm a bit lazy


Kai's pov

The more I looked at Sehun, the more confused I got.

If I had found the wolf beautiful than this guy in front of my eyes had passed by all measures of beauty, I was awed.

Also I was kind of confused, I knew he was the wolf, I just knew when he looked at me, but like that was kind of impossible as well wasn't it?

Maybe I should see a psychiatrist or something because this time I definitely was going crazy.

I started to search for signs that could indicate that the man in front of me had anything to do with the wolf I saw in the woods.

Except for the fact that he just about downed his fourth coffee I couldn't find anything, I was probably imagining stuff, but then again how often do you run into a guy with bright silver hair around here, not to mention the same brown eyes that the wolf seemed to have.

I could confront him and ask the guy about it himself, but he would probably deem me crazy and laugh at me.

Second option: I could also ask him out and try to find out more then, I mean he was very attractive and something in me actually did want to go out with him, but then again he probably wasn't even gay, but then again if he really was the wolf then he was also checking me out.

I actually got a headache from thinking this much.

Okay I too, needed another cup of coffee.

This little meeting didn't look like it was ending any time soon too, Baekhyun was still having way too much fun clinging onto Chanyeol's arm and laughing with Junmyeon.

I could leave of course but I would probably get a scolding, besides Yixing turned out to be pretty chill, I liked him.

Sehun and I both had been awfully quiet during this whole meeting and I knew it was only a matter of time before the rest noticed.

Just as if it was on queue Baekhyun stared at the two of us.

"Well well well, Jongin and Sehun have been quiet, haven't they?"

He turned to Chanyeol and whispered something in his ear, I wish I could hear what he was saying.

"Eh sehun's just on his wolf period don't mind him"

Yixing took a sip of his coffee while speaking and I quickly turned to look at Sehun.

He was just about shooting lasers at his friend with his eyes.

Wait this couldn't be real could it?

Sehun stood up and glared at Yixing one more time before announcing that he probably should be going and that it was nice to meet us all.

He never even so much as glanced over at me as he walked out.

I was still in shock, just kind of looking at Yixing who just sipped his coffee and looked around as if nothing had happened.

Wait no, I had to find Sehun.

I had to ask him about all this, I needed answers and I needed them now.

So I stood up and excused myself too.

"Yes go get him tiger!!"

Was the only thing I heard when I walked out, the voice had belonged to baekhyun, of course.

When i went outside there was already no trace of Sehun to find.

He disappeared , I was too late.

And too stupid, I should have just asked him sooner.

This was my fault.

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