Chapter 2

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Et voici Chapter 2! I've had about one read so far, and no comments. Thanks for the support guys!:(

Not that I care. This one is fun to write so I'm not gonna rely on my readers for encouragement. Besides, if I wanted reads I'd write something about One Direction *rolls eyes* [no offence to those who have of course especially to the one who wrote that brilliant one about Elounor (Eleanor?) what's-her-name. That was good]

So, if anyone has any recommendations for this story, tell me!! I want to know what you guys think! If you don't like it, tell me, but tell me WHY you don't. Alright. Big enough intro. Here it goes...

Chapter 2

Odd whipped around to see what the noise was, and gasped. Standing behind him was a beautiful girl about his age. She had green hair and green eyes-with green pupils- and she was slim and at medium height.

"Where am I? She asked, in a musical voice. "Who are you?"

Odd got over the shock of seeing a random pretty girl in the woods.

"Odd Della Robbia. Who are you? It's not every day you see a good-looking babe in the woods."

"Thalea," she answered. "I don't know how I got here. I just appeared in this spot a second ago. I don't know where from. I don't remember anything apart from my name."

"Ok, well, I don't know what to tell you, but why don't you come meet my friends? They might be able to help," Odd said. "Come on. First we have to find Ulrich, though."

"Who is Ulrich?" Thalea asked.

"My friend. His girlfriend is hanging out with another guy so he's spying on them."

"She's NOT my girlfriend! And I'm not spying on them!"

"Whatever you say, Ulrich." Odd winked at Thalea. "Anyway, this is Thalea. She's lost her memory. I thought we could help her."

"Alright, Odd. Let's go find Jeremy and Aelita."

At the mention of the name "Aelita" Thalea clutched her head in her hands.

"Thalea!" Odd ran toward her and put his hand on her shoulder. "Are you ok?"

"I just-something about that name... it was as if I remembered something for a second there."

Ulrich looked at Odd. "We definitely need to go get Jeremy and Aelita."

Odd nodded. "Let's go."

They set off at a run, with Thalea following.

Suddenly Odd's cell phone{an: is it 2 words or just 1?} rang. It was Jeremy.

Hahahahaha!! Another cliffhanger!😈

This should make you people want to read it more! Also: review! And if y'all want a cover for this, it's not gonna happen! It'll be more unique this way! So enjoy, peoples!! And comment! I want to know what y'all think!!

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