Get You Out Of Those Clothes

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"A normal lander?" I questioned

"You see there is two worlds. Yours and this one." Benzedrine explained

"Did you come here looking to be a suiteheart?" Sandman asked

"No, I didn't. I was pulled in. I don't want to be here." I told them

They all had worried looks on their faces.

"So you never wanted to come here. Right?" Horse Shoe Crab asked and I nodded "For you this world may seem nice but it very dangerous for someone like you"

"Careful of paparazzi and the rivers here. Mostly at this spot." Donnie warned pointing towards the carousel.

"Well she can't be walking around like that. Let's go visit The Ringleader." Sandman said

"Who is that?" I asked

"He designs all the clothes here in Hollywood Hills" Sandman told me

We walked for a little then stopped in front of a store with mannequins in the windows.

"Here we are" Sandman said more to himself then to me

Once we were in and man with a red jacket and a black top hat greeted us.

"Hello guys! How are you?" He asked smiling at all of them

"Our friend here need new clothes" Horse Shoe Crab said lightly pushing me closer to The Ringleader.

Donnie when next to him and whispered in his ear. When he was done The Ringleader's mouth dropped open. I have a feeling that he just found out I'm not from here.

"Well, I have a lot of work to do on you." He smiled and took out a sketchbook and started drawing. Once in awhile he would look up at me and back down to his book.

"Done!" He said smiling at his sketch "Please come in the back with me" And I did what he said.

We headed towards the doors in the back of the store and the guys followed.

"No following boys. She will be out in a bit" The Ringleader laughed and pulled the curtain shut. The room was covered in so many fabrics. You name it I'm sure he had the fabric somewhere. He came up to me with a tape measure and started taking measurements.

"So did you design the boys clothes to?" I asked breaking the silence. He nodded and continued with his work.

When he was done taking all the measurements he went over to a fabric and took it to table. His back was turned to me so I couldn't really see what he was doing. But I knew he was working on the outfit. While we waited for time to pass he would ask me about the trends in my world and he would laugh at them.

About 10 minutes went by and he was done. He handed to me to try on and led me to a dressing room. I closed the door behind me and but on the dress. When I looked in the mirror it was beautiful. A dark purple knee length dress with glitter. I walked out and he handed me and headband with a black feather and some black heels.

"Perfect! Now I just need to do your hair and makeup then your free to go." He lead me towards and chair and started my makeup.

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