In Toronto

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So,at last we reached there,that great city I think.I was neither happy nor a bit excited,as anyone in my place would have been,as I just didn't found a reason to be happy.How can u expect a person to be merry,when he had left everything valuable to him,behind?,his house, his friends,his school behind?I tried to take my heart off it,but I just couldn't help thinking about it,as  I kept thinking about that place,which made me more and more miserable.I just then heard somebody's faint voice.It took me some time to figure out the owner of the voice,as I was so mesmerized in my thoughts,but then suddenly I realized that it was mom's."John,hey John...are you deaf?"she yelled annoyedly at me.Wait,let me tell you that my mom isn't someone who's always shouting at me for no reason.It isn't like that.At this moment,she was shouting,as she was annoyed by my absent-mindness ,which I know isn't  a good thing and so was in a bad mood."So...oo mom what happened?"I asked innocently."Don't act so innocently, now get up and help us to take out the luggage "she ordered.I just then,realized that we had reached and dad was busy parking the car.I got up and helped mom in taking out the luggage.As I wasn't able to know where I was,I started looking for some sort of clues to figure out the place.Just then,my eyes caught sight of a board,that was hanging on the gate.It read"Green Avenue,Sixth Street,Toronto".We stood there in front of our car for sometime,waiting for something or someone very important I think,as mom was staring continuously at the gate while dad was busy calling somebody,again and again.I really didn't know what was happening,and how can i?As they were not even telling me the reason behind their this type of behavior,and so I was really clueless about it,till I saw a car approaching us,from a distance.The car stood in front of us,and in no time clouds of dust were being released from the car.It was dense that I was unable to see anything,clearly and so coughed roughly.As I turned around  to see my parents,if they were alright I saw mom who was finding it difficult to control her laughter,I was really surprised at first as I wasn't able to figure out the reason of our laughter,but then understood when I saw the sight in front of me.


Author's note
Hey guys! Sorry for updating after such a long time!:(.And Thanks for all your support and don't forget to vote and give your valuable comments if u like this chapter:).Cliffhanger one?I know;)So what do u think he must have seen?Do guess the reason the comments;).And I'll try to update as much as I can!:)Bye!Keep supporting my story:)!!!
And take care!:)I'll also post the picture later:)

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 30, 2016 ⏰

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