❁ Killing them HEART BY HEART

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 Hello, all wattpad readers! I noticed that this story had gained many attention, and I would like to thank all my readers for that. In reality, this is actually a contest story that I made for a Disney Book contest. To be fair and to avoid criticism, this is going to be different from your Disney characters. There will be a prince charming and a cinderella, but it isn't that simple. ;) Check out for more later... Tell you my explanation will just ruin the fun! I promise you that there will be sadness, but not much! More of love next time! Dedicated to one of my amazing readers :D

No there's no one else's eyes

That could see into me

No one else's arms can lift

Lift me up so high

Your love fits me out of time

And you know my HEART BY HEART

-Demi Lovato

Chapter 1—Killing them HEART BY HEART


“Damn it!” Sky growled and threw his cards away. Expressing his exasperation, he drank more beer before throwing the empty bottle against the wall. His rage was transferred to his widening and furious eyes.

I collected my share and showed him my perfect full house cards, energy surging into me. “Aw, poor little Sky lost again to the ultimate Asher,” I cooed, giving him my billion dollar smile.

But he didn’t buy that smile. “Did you cheat?” Sky asked, his eyes narrowed and full of suspicion.

I shrugged, excitement immersing me. “Now, why would I cheat? Cards are my passion," I clarified, picking my full house from the table and throwing them in the air. When the cards fell to the ground, I felt like a champion, the boy who could do anything. The matter was: I wasn’t that guy. I was far away from being the perfect boy.

You’re nothing but disappointment. I gritted my teeth as I remembered his words.

Getting up from my seat, I was about to exit the gambling room when Sky grabbed my shoulder and squeezed it harshly. I quickly snapped to attack mode and punched his face. Sky looked surprised for a second before he clenched his fist, ready to pounce.

Here’s the huge fact: I had too many experiences that made me way faster than him. I ducked away from him before he could land that punch on my cheek. It was already too late when Sky realized I had escaped. His fist reached the wall with a thud, and he started screaming in pain.

For a second, I thought of leaving him here in pain when I saw something glinting in his eyes. I saw the reflection of a beer bottle on his eyes, and the idea clicked in both of our heads. My breathing gagged, and then, everything happened in slow motion.

I was running towards the beer bottle with Sky a few steps behind me. My sight was reeling, and I could feel the suffocation when Sky landed himself on me. I struggled free, but he placed one foot on my back, crushing me flat to the ground. My jaw hit the floor, and I clenched my teeth to avoid myself from screaming in pain. Blood filled my mouth.

“You think you can escape that easily, little boy?” Sky sneered, glaring at me. His eyes drilled through me.

I glared back at him. “You’re a coward and a loser. Of course I can escape from you,” I taunted.

He added pressure on his foot that was on me, and I winced as he kicked me. I rolled, but before I could get the chance to slide from his grip, he crushed my ribs with his foot. Black spots appeared in my vision, and I felt like I was pushed inside an airless room to die.

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