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It's been 8 long months and Hiro is a little anxious about the baby coming. " Tadshi I'm worried about the baby it hasn't been moving for a while " Hiro says rubbing his stomach. " I'm sure it's just fine " Tadshi responded walking towards him. " Bamax can you scan Hiro to tell him the babies fine" Tadshi yells. " Hello I am Bamax  your personal health care assistant " Bamax replies. " I will scan you now" Bamax replies. He does his thing and  scans Hiro. " Your baby is perfectly fine " Bamax replies. Just as Bamax says that a huge weight is lifted off Hiro's shoulders.  1 month later passed like that Hiro was sleeping and randomly his water breaks " ow Bamax, Tadshi help please " Hiro yells.  " Hello I am Bamax your personal health care assistant " Bamax says as he activates. " Bamax get Tadshi now aghh" Hiro calls. " Tadshi Hiro wants you" Bamax  says. " Tadshi help me the baby is coming" Hiro yells. Tadshi shoots up like a rocket. He runs over to Hiro's bedside and calls for aunt Cass " It will be okay Hiro just hang in there " Tadshi says a little panicked. Hiro starts groaning from the pain. " that's a good boy " Bamax responded. " Your doing really well " Tadshi says smiling as Hiro squeeze's his hand.
7 hours later
" owww aghh it- hurts so aghh so bad"  Hiro groan's and squeeze's Tadshi's hand really hard. " Almost there baby" Aunt Cass says from behind the door. " nice deep breaths Hiro" Bamax says.
2 more hours go by
Hiro is screaming and crying cause of the pain. " Hiro on your next contraction I need you to give us a big push " Bamax responded. Hiro just nodded and smiled at him until a large contraction ripped through his body " aghh " Hiro groan's pushing as hard as he can. Squeezing Tadshi's hand and making it numb. " that's it it won't be long now " Bamax responded. Hiro lays up to catch his breath. " Your doing great little bro" Tadshi responded wiping the sweat from his forehead. Then another contraction ripped through his little body and he pushes and starts feeling the ring of fire and in fear he snaps his legs shut Bamax opens his legs up and Hiro yelps when the head popped out. " Almost there Hiro " Tadshi responded. The shoulders slowly start to leave the young boys body as tears streams down his face. " One more big push "  Bamax says. Hiro gives one more big push as their baby slides out in bamaxs arms. " Hiro your baby is a girl " Bamax announces.
Bamax hands her to Hiro " hi there I'm your mommy " Hiro responded as his hand went through her her cute Brown hair.

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