"Hey! I'm not your slave! Get me out right now. I don't want your help!" I shout.

"Shut up you stupid boy. Annoy me again and it won't be good." 

Oh my god. This is all happening because of Camila. This is all her fault! Together we were infinite, and now alone, I was helpless. I couldn't believe I was helpless. I'd never felt so vulnerable in my life. 

"You look messed up." The man suddenly says. 

I don't reply. 

"I know I probably seem like a bastard but I'm not that bad ya know? How about I give you some of my good stuff back there for free, huh? Will you stop that frowny face then?" 

"Yes, you're right. You are a bastard." I say under my breath. 

"HAHA!" He laughs really loud again. What an annoying asshole. 

We didn't say a word to each other after that. 

- 5 hours later - 

I was looking out the window since the past few hours. We'd passed trees and trees and thousands of trees but for some reason I'd never gotten bored. The tree's reminded me of someone. Someone who showed me how to love, someone who made me feel like I owned the universe, someone who'd broke my heart for the first time. 

The sunset was almost over, and it had started to become dark. This was going to be the first night in the last 5 days that I wouldn't be with her. The loneliness started creeping into me. 

"Hey, you ready?" 

Suddenly the number of trees started decreasing. We come closer to this small lighted up area. As we get closer I see that he was going towards some sort of gas station - except it looked abandoned. There was not a single person there. But then why was it so lighted up?

He stops right next to the abandoned gas station and then looks at me right into my eyes. I look right back into his, I wanted to challenge him. 

"Right. I think you know exactly what you need to do, yeah? Don't give me that look." 

"Yo I asked to get back HOME. Not go to PRISON." 

"HAHAHA! You ain't going nowhere but home - except if you don't do this for me. All you gotta go is go into that left corner and you'll see one of ma homies. Then--"


- 1 hour later - 

I've done a lot of bad things in my life but that was probably the worst thing I've ever done. I'm never going to be able to forgive myself for this. 

My emotional state by now was almost dead. I had no emotions, I felt awful, I just wanted to sink into the seat and disappear. 

"It's getting so dark here damn, It's giving me anxiety. Pass me a beer" The man commands. 

"NO! You can't drink and drive. Do it some other time..Ugh." 

What the fuck? I was starting to sound like Ms-Never-Breaks-Rules Camila. 

He ignores me and stops the van for a second. Then he jumps into the back seat and comes back in a minute with five bottles of beer. He passes one to me. 

"Here you go son. See? I told you I'm not always a bastard!" 

He starts slowly driving, opens up one bottle and drinks away. We get back to speed soon. 

I looked at the bottle and couldn't resist myself. After drinking the whole bottle I felt so much lighter, so I asked for another, and he gave me one. He was already on his THIRD one. 

"I've never felt so depressed before" I mumble. 

"Why?" the guy asks genuinely. 

"Imagine you have the whole world in your arms one night, and the next it's gone forever. It's like you lost everything." 

"Damn. Have another bottle." He passes me the third bottle. 

Things start to get blurry, I can hardly feel anything, but her name still lingers in my mind. 

"I asked her and she said yesss" 


"I've loved her since years" 


"She gave me everything I wanted" 


"But she said she hates me.... Did you hear that? She hates me!" 

I started laughing for no reason. The man starts laughing uncontrollably along with me. 

Suddenly, the van takes a sharp turn into the unknown of the darkness. 


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