Chapter 7

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*Camila's POV* 

7 hours later

Today was such an amazing day!! We kayaked in the beautiful crystal clear waters and then hiked in this amazing tropical rainforest + got told scary (so embarrassingly fake) stories by that old pink man. 

1 hour later

All the girls downstairs were having their pre-planned 'party' with the boys in our 'ONLY GIRLS' cabin. Angela and I obviously did not want to be a part of the trouble and in the company of these thirsty teenagers so we made an excuse to go up the the grand room and be there all by ourselves!! 

It was a HUGE room. It was made fully of bamboo and hard wood and the ceiling was 5 meters high. A huge old fashioned chandelier hung at the top. It was like a grand tree house.

I took out my huge makeup box and we both started filling each others faces full of earthy colored make up! After that, I changed into a body fitting brown crop top, which blended in with my skin color and high waisted denim shorts. Angela wore a white dress and a cute furry jacket on top. 

Being the good girls we are, we went and asked the teachers if we could go out next to the lake where the background of the woods would come in our pictures. They approved, so we ran out there and it was just 

W O W 

The dark blue sky full of stars, the glistening lake, the dark rustling trees, everything was just enchanting. It was really dark and windy; it felt like we were kinda just free and lost in space. In the middle of nothing. Like the whole world was to ourselves. 

We went crazy, it felt like my soul was out of my body and flying to every matter in space. We took so many amazing pictures and it was my best, and most fun photo shoot ever. 

The weather and view was so beautiful so we decided to sit down in the middle of the grass and just relax. 

Suddenly. I hear footsteps. Oh god. 

*Nick's POV*

This party was shit. It wasn't even a proper party. All the hoes were just trying to hook up with us guys. There were no drinks, or music, no nothing. I was forcing myself to try and act interested in Jade but all I could really think of was Camila. She was literally no where to be seen. 

I tell Jade that I was going to the toilet and I quickly escape out of that crowded dirty little cabin. 



"Is that what you're really worried about?! Two of your students are MISSING!!!" I snap

"What?! WHO?"

"Camila and Angela... They both are missing"

"Oh no! It's already 9 PM. I forgot to go call the girls back!" 

"What? Where are they?

"Next to the lake. They went out of the motel. I have to go get them now."

Oh my god. She actually got OUT of this nasty motel?! WITH THE TEACHERS APPROVING OF IT?! Damn I need to get on her level. 

"I'll go get her! Don't need to take the trouble!" 

I waved bye to the teacher and ran, without even knowing where the lake was. 

I reached the exit of the motel and thankfully I saw a lake near by. I also saw flashlights. Hopefully it was them. 

For the first time ever I was actually intimidated by Camila. What the fuck was wrong with me?! I get closer to the people with the flashlights and my heart starts beating faster. Suddenly, one of them turns around and see's me. Fuck. 

Camila shrieks followed by the other girls extra high pitched i-just-saw-a-killer-cockroach scream. 

"NICK?!?!? WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE?" Camila says angrily, but softly like always 

"Hi.." I didn't know if I was supposed to say that. 

"Okay?" She looked pissed as fuck. 

"Camila Rosa." I say 

"Nick Robinson." She replies 

"I'm... sorry." I whisper

"It's alright." 

"Do you still hate me?"

She laughs the most adorable laugh ever, "Yeah, actually, I still do" she says sounding half sarcastic half totally serious. 

I laugh and she laughs and we both start laughing for a minute and her friend was behind us fan girling, well obviously anyone would, I was being nice, for the first time ever. 

"Angela we should go back now, it's getting late" Camila says pulling her friends arm. 

They both just leave me there without saying a word and start walking. I follow them. 

"Hey! You both going to bed so early?!" 

"Who said?! We get a private room to ourselves! Girls night wooo" Angela giggles 

I didn't  want her to leave so early for some reason. What the fuck man. 

Just as she's about to go inside the cabin I quickly grab her arm, turn her around and chuckle, 

"Do you still hate me?" 

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