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"can I sleep in your room?" someone shook me. 

I was very sleepy, It was the middle of the night for fuck sakes. "no what the fuck, isco go back to your couch."

"oooh you have a potty mouth" isco didn't have a high pitched girly voice.

My eyes opened immediately. "Isa, don't repeat what I just said and don't tell Alvaro I said that."

She didn't say anything. I look at the clock besides my bed, 3:13 am. I had training at 10 later on that morning and needed all the sleep I could get.

"why do you want to sleep in here?" I asked raising my head up. "you've got Isco's perfect bed"

"I had a nightmare." She said, her face was white as a ghost. She looked shakened up.

I sighed moving over to make more room. "fine, just don't go to the bathroom in here like you did with Isco's bed."

"I won't"

before long we were both out cold.


I couldn't believe Isco and Alvaro. They knew I had training in the morning and they disappear on me. Leaving me alone with Isabel.

I walked into the training ground with my bag in one hand, isabel's pink backpack in the other while she followed me closely behind gripping onto her teddy.

"let's see who could baby sit you" I walked into the building.

"I don't need a babysitt" Isabel mumbled. "I'm a big girl"

"Who can't sleep by herself?" I raised my eyebrows looking at her.

I spotted Burgos our assistant coach. "Germán" I called out.

"Qué" he stopped to looking over at my way. "Koke"

"I need your help, I have a small problem" I said.

"what's the problem?" He asked.

I stepped to the side to reveal isa who was behind me. "This, I need someone to watch her. I'm going to be late, you know how Diego gets. Thanks amigo, this is Isabel" I handed him her pink bag into his confused hands. I looked down at Isabel. "Okay Isa, this is Germán Burgos, stay with him don't leave his side until I come for you okay? adios"

maybe I shouldnt have left them together but my ass is on the line. Diego Simeone is someone you don't want to cross.

I ran into the locker room throwing my bag on the floor and fishing out my neon green boots.

"what took you so long" Saul voice rang in my ear. His face inches away from me. "you're going to be late"

"quit being such a baby" I swatted my hands in the air to rid of his face.

"well fin I'll see you when Simeone gets you on the pitch for being late." He shrugged. "see ya"

I grabbed my jacket and ran out the locker room and into the training pitch where all of my teammates were. They already begun their warm up jogs. I jumped in before Simeone caught me.

"I should snitch on you right now." Saul appeared besides me.

"do it and I'll be speaking at your funeral." I said.

We began our usual training. 30 minutes into training we started doing passing drills, finishing and going over tactics for our next match which happened to be a Madrid Derby against Real Madrid.

"aw Burgos who is this little angel" Antoine cooed.

Oh no.

Burgos walked in with Isa holding his hands. As soon as she saw me she let go and ran into the pitch hugging my legs.

I bent down to her. "What's wrong Isa?"

"nothing" she murmured. "I just missed you"

"Oh I miss you too" I kissed her head. My teammates all stared at me now.

"koke, I didn't know you had a daughter." nando joked.

I looked at them. "I didn't know either till awhile ago"

"you are serious?" Yannick said from besides me looking down at Isa. "She kinda does look like you"

"Its a long story" I said.

"Which can wait till after practice" Diego said, "she can watch but you must get back to practice."


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