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another thing I learned about Isabel. She was a huge fan of not only frozen but Justin bieber. Here we have a four year old girl and Marcelo having the same taste in music.

I drove with her to the pharmacy to get some antibiotics because Alvaro had himself a nasty flu. As we were in the car she forced me to put search up justin bieber music on my phone and play it on the aux cord. I can't tell you how many times I've heard that boy say sorry.

I held her hands and dragged her through the pharmacy searching for the medicine that my friend needed so badly.

"can we get some ice cream?" She asked as we passed the freezer.

"do you know what time of the year it is? It's freezing outside." I said pulling her past the freezer.

"I want some ice cream." She planted her feet on the tile ground not wanting to move.

"no, now let's go" I pulled her hand. Her feet dragged on the tile. "Stop being a baby and let's go."

"But I want some ice cream." She pulled her hands away from mine.

"Stop it, let's get some medicine for Alvaro and leave." My patience was now at a thin.

I this time picked her up and walked into the aisle where all the pills and asprins were located. I picked up the first brand I saw.

I walked quickly past the freezer and to the check out.

"I want Ice Cream." Isabel said again this time much louder drawing much more attention.

"You're getting on my last nerve." I said sighing.

"You're getting on my last nerves." She said folding her hands.

"Who have you all this attitude?" It sure as hell didn't come from me. Once I paid I pulled her outside and towards the car before she causes me scnese.

"I just want some ICE CREAAAM" she yelled.

"okay listen here little girl, I've had Enough of you. All you've done is come here and taken advantage of our kindness and our money." I said to her. It was something I wanted to get off my chest.

the rest of the car ride home was silent. You could drop a pin into the ground from outside and it still could be heard by us.

Once I parked the car Isabel let herself out before I could even muster up an apology. I felt bad for accusing this little girl of being a gold digger.

I followed her up the steps into our flat. As soon as I opened the door she ran inside and jumped into Koke's arms. He looked up at me surprised. "Um I miss you too" he said. "Wait are you crying?"

Great now shes making me feel even more bad. 

"I'll take this to alvaro"


"So you wanna explain to me why Isabel cried herself to sleep in my lap?" Koke appeared in the living room.

"Oh that, I just wanted to go in and get Alvaro's medicine real quick and get out. She wanted some ice cream, she threw a fit, things were said." I explained myself. "And here we are."

"You are so insensitive" Koke shook his head. "She doesn't know any better. "

"I know, I feel bad." I admitted. "I'll talk to her when she wakes up."

"I can't believe out of us three you made her cry first."

I laughed alittle. It was true, I thought the first day Koke and Isabel were alone together he was definitely going to hurt her feelings. "I know, I thought you'd accidentally say something about her mom."

"luckily you're an asshole so you did the job." Koke grinned.


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