All three just stood silent, Bellatrix grabbed Hermione “Take them to the dungeon. I’ll question the mudblood first.”

Cross was suddenly by my side “You need to go back to your room.”  

“Crucio!” I tried to get past Cross as I watched Hermione writhe in pain “Did you take it from my vault? How did you get into my vault you filthy mudblood?! Crucio!” I couldn’t stand it anymore I threw Cross to the side and stood between Hermione and Bellatrix.

“It’s fake. The sword is fake.” Hermione cried out.

“You dare to help a mudblood. Are you disobeying the Dark Lord?”

I glared at Bellatrix “I am disobeying you and you got your answer the sword is a fake. If you continue to torture her you have to go through me.”

Bellatrix took a step back “Draco bring the goblin. We shall see if the sword is fake.” I knelt down beside Hermione making sure she was alright. Draco came back with the goblin who told Bellatrix exactly what Hermione said.

“Expelliarmus!” Ron and Harry ran out form the stairs, in the next moment Bellatrix grabbed Hermione from beside me holding her knife to her neck “Now drop your wands.”

I stood at the doorway wondering what I could do, I looked to Harry ‘I’m going to distract them. You guys grab everyone and get out of here.’ I thought. Harry stared at me with a puzzled look but nodded. I started to concentrate when I felt a warm liquid run down my legs and a piercing pain go through my abdomen. I screamed out in pain causing everyone to turn to me, Ron ran and grabbed Hermione.

I saw an elf show up next to Harry; Bellatrix realized Hermione was not in her grip anymore and turned around to catch them about to leave. “Ahhhhhh!” she screamed and then threw her knife right into the group that was disapparating.

“Nooo-” but my cry was drowned out by my piercing scream and I knew I was going into labor “Cross get the midwife!” I screamed.

Draco ran to my side and grabbed my arm “Stacy is it time?” I nodded my head and then felt my air cut off; when I opened my eyes I was in my room.

Draco placed me on the bed and I heard a pop nearby “Ms. Riddle I’m going to need you to regulate your breathing.” I tried to slow down my breathing but the pain was too much.  “Mr. Malfoy you need to wait outside and Mr. Cross you need to help me.” I lost my concentration of what was going on around me “Stacy you need to push.”

I did as I was told only to feel more excruciating pain “I can’t!” I cried.

“Come on Stacy you can do this.” Cross held onto my hand until I felt the pain starting to subside.

I felt light-headed but was glad the pain was over; I lifted myself into a sitting position “Cross where is my baby? Was it a girl or boy?” Cross held a pink bundled blanket, but had a grim face.

“Stacy I am so sorry.”

I watched his movements and felt my eyes fill with tears “Cross is it a girl? What happened to my baby girl?” my voice barely audible.

“Stacy, Angelis didn’t make it. I’m so sorry she was a stillborn. Madame Rosa is letting everyone else know. I’m so-”

“Just go!” I yelled. My chest felt as though there was something crushing it, I sobbed into my pillow barely breathing.

“Stacy!” Draco ran into my room, his eyes red from the tears that stained his cheeks.

I looked towards him “Draco, she didn’t make it and it’s all my fault. I lost our little girl!” I sobbed.

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