Five ~ Everything's According To Plan (Cuddy's POV)

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(One week later)

     "Wilson, I'm still in love with Greg." I said quietly as House was in the Bathroom. "I don't know what to do."

     "Tell him how you feel" Wilson replied, "I'm 100% sure he feels the same way. You have no idea how much his life fell apart after you left. He went back on Vicodin, he jumped off a fucking balcony, he loves you and needs you Lisa." He put his hand on my shoulder when we heard the thumping of a rubber cane head hitting the floor and went back to our phones.

     "I'm like some kind of celebrity here, it's great." House said smirking. I smiled and looked at him. I missed him so much. I told him how much I loved him and didn't want him to change, then pressured him to constantly change. He bent over backwards for me and I never realized it. I cried for months over it. I threw away the only man I have ever loved over one pill. He has been the closest thing Rachel has ever had for a Dad, and she still asks about him from time to time.

"Where is House mommy? I miss House." Was the only thing I heard for a week after I left him. He was so good with Rachel, that it seemed idiotic that she was the reason I broke it off with him. I had to make things right, and God has given me an opportunity to. I wasn't going to throw this chance away. 

"Well Dr. Cuddy, everything seems to be in order. Dr. Wilson, please come back in two weeks for your next round of Chemo, and Dr. House, I was required to call the police and they said that they dropped the charges. I would like to be the first one to offer you and Dr. Wilson a job here at Princeton General. Dr. Wilson we have just acquired an opening for Head of Oncology and Dr. House, as you know we have been pursuing you for years about starting and heading a Diagnostics department here, and that offer is still on the table." Dr. Stein, the Dean Of Medicine told us.

"House and I would love to take your job offer." Wilson said smiling.  "I might have to take care of my Thymoma first though, is there a possibility of a temporary department head while I take care of this?"

"Of course Dr. Wilson, we will have our other best Oncologist take care of you while we deal with this unfortunate problem." Dr. Stein replied.

"Stein, I'm going to need a team, is there anyway I could get a team of three to five fellows?" House inquired.

"Yes Dr. House, I'm sure thousands of doctors are scrambling to work with you. Do you have a preference of specialty?"

"Neurologist, Surgeon, Otorhinolaryngologist, Immunologist, and a Cardiologist. Also, may I have an office just like I had at PPTH with Wilson and Cuddy as neighbors?" House replied, trying to push it as far as he could. He was still House.

"Yes, yes Dr. House. Welcome to Princeton General!" Dr. Stein said, shaking hands with both Wilson and House. Stein had been vying for House for over 10 years, there was no way he was gonna let him go because of an office or a team. Stein walked away content and I looked at House.

"Five fellows House? You only had like 4 at most at PPTH. What are they all gonna do?" I asked him.

"Doctory stuff? I don't know, but I have Stein wrapped around my finger so might as well take what I can get." House said shrugging. I agreed and we both helped Wilson get up and dressed after his first round of Chemo.

"We should have moved here sooner Cuddy." House said as he lifted Wilson with his arm around him.

"I couldn't agree more." I replied. The loneliness was over. I have House and Wilson now and I'm not going to let them go over a pill.

A/N: Thank you for reading! YES THE HUDDY FEELS ARE STRONG I LOVE HUDDY SO MUCH! They are so perfectly imperfect. Don't worry, Wilson will have a mate soon enough ;). Tell me how you feel about smut guys, I don't want to add it if it makes it awkward, but I do want to try to write it, considering I never have before. Trying to switch between fan fictions, looking for at least one that I don't have writer's block in. I have a lot of ideas for this one so stay tuned! ~ Jocelyn

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 12, 2016 ⏰

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