Four ~ Trenton (House's POV)

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    I walked into Trenton General like I had done many times before. Wait. Many times before. I'm supposed to be dead. Oh shit, I didn't tell Cuddy of my last great act in this world. I pulled her and Wilson aside to talk to them.

"I've been in here a lot of times right?" The Doctors here know what I look like and stuff. This is bad." I said, losing that sense of House reasoning that I have always had. Of course everyone that even met Gregory House knew that he was "dead." The death of the best Diagnostician in the world wouldn't have gone unnoticed. Wilson's eyes met mine in terror while Cuddy looked from me to Wilson, obviously confused. "Well I'm a dead man. No, literally. I faked my death to get out of prison to spend Wilson's last five months with him. I am legally dead." I said matter-of-factly.

"Gregory James House, do you have mental problems? How could you think-" Cuddy was cut off.

"Amnesia. We could say that you got amnesia from the blast, and I've spent a week looking for you." Wilson blurted out.

"That's genius. I'm so proud of you little one, you really have blossomed." I said sarcastically.

"Okay that's avoiding one problem, but you would still have to serve your time." Cuddy pointed out.

"I don't care about jail, all I care about is if you and Wilson are waiting for me, alive, when I get back." I said truthfully. God the way Cuddy looked up at me and blushed while smiling I just wanted to kiss her right there. It would remove heaps of pent up aggression, pain, and rage, but I restrained myself with all the strength I could muster. My hand twitched a little bit towards her waist. I wonder if she noticed at all. She probably did because of the way her ass was swaying as we followed her into the hospital. One doctor walked passed, then walked back and practically shouted "Gregory House?" Oh boy did that get everybody's attention, and before I knew it I was bombarded with questions on "How I returned from the dead," and "What it was like on the other side." I smirked to myself as Cuddy and Wilson both tried to get them to calm down.

"Dr. Gregory House M.D. has not ever been dead. The chaos from the blast he had been in caused him to hit his head, triggering temporary Amnesia. He has now regained all memory and is here for a check up. Thank you." Cuddy said, and then sat down. I sat next to her as Wilson presumably walked off to find one of his Oncologist buddies. I smiled over at Cuddy and she returned the smile. I watched as her fingers slowly intertwined with mine. I could feel her blush, and it seemed like time stopped, capturing the perfect moment.

A/N: Thank you for reading yet another chapter. A very heavy Huddy chapter. Next one might be out tomorrow. As always thank you for reading! Vote and leave a comment because it always brings me joy. Check out my other fanfics for House goodness. Well it's 12:31 on a school night so goodnight! ~ Jocelyn

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