3 geeks and a demon

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"Do you think grandma's making out with her boyfriend right now?" Jane asked.

Everyone gave Jane a disgusted look. "Ew..." Benny said, mentally scarred.

"Don't you have some cards?" Olivia asked.
"My parents might have some old board games in the basement." Ethan answered.


"Okay, we got Mathalot Village," Olivia began.
"Took much math." Benny said, shaking his head.

"Word Strike?"
"Requires spelling - for anything in the nice non educational flavour?" Benny answered.

"Woah! Check this out!" Ethan said, taking out a dusty box. "Spirit Speaker!"

"Host the Seance and make contact with the spirit world!" He blew away the dust, causing everyone else to cough and splutter.
"Now we're talking!"

"What's a seance?" Rory asked.
"It's like a ritual conducted to make contact with spirits." Ethan explained.
"Dead spirits!" Sarah corrected.

Olivia nodded. "I'm out. I don't think we should mess with it, especially in Whitechapel."

"What's the big deal? It's just a board game." Benny shrugged.
"It's what it represents that scares me!" Sarah answered.

Ethan sighed. "Come on! Just one little game?"
"Unless you're scared." Benny grinned, nudging his girlfriend's arm.
"Uh, let's just remember who saved you and Rory from the monster who left you two screaming like girls?!" Olivia scoffed.

"Aren't we chickens?" Sarah joked, making chicken noises. "Jane, Olivia and I are gonna play dress up."

Olivia nodded and took hold of Jane's hand. "Try not to make a mess."


"No! I left my drawing of Debbie Dazzle downstairs in the kitchen!" Jane groaned. "I need that so I know how to dress her!"

Olivia got up and smiled. "I'll get it - I'll see what dork #1, #2 and #3 are up to on my way."

She jogged down the stairs and saw Rory sat on his own around the board. Lamps were floating and all the candles the boys had lit had gone out.

"Rory!" Olivia yelled. He yanked his dish towel off his head and looked at her. "I did nothing!"

Ethan and Benny ran into the room. "Rory, what did you do?!"
"Olivia?! Have you got the drawing? Are the boys okay?!" The four teenagers heard Jane yell from upstairs.

"Uh, yeah! They're fine!" She shouted up the stairs. "Tell me you did not play alone." She then hissed at him.
"Are you nuts?" Ethan asked.

The chandelier started to swing and the TV went from static, to turned off, then back to static. "I think there's somebody here..." Rory said.

The four gathered around the game. "We have to stop this." Olivia said.
"Are you the hot but totally honest ghost babe we recently conversed with?" Benny asked.

Olivia shot a glare at Benny. "You're referring to a ghost as a babe?! That's disgusting!"
No. Said the spirit in the board.
"Didn't think so." Benny forced a grin.

"Guys, I think it's trying to tell us something - it may be another language." Rory said to the three.
"Yeah! Like evil speak!"

"Okay, I know it's not cool for a dude to be freaked out - especially in front of his girlfriend - but I am a freaked out dude right now!" Benny almost yelled.

"You played alone!" Ethan said, his voice breaking a little. "Rory, that's the number one rule: never play alone!"
"Okay, what do we do?" Benny asked.
"I don't know, it's going crazy!"

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