doug the vampire hunter

Start from the beginning

They used some of Olivia's makeup to give him black eye bags and make him look extremely pale - Rory looked the same.

Olivia finished Ethan's makeup before looking back and admiring her work. She then turned to Benny. "You look pretty good as a vampire." Benny smirked.
"You don't look too bad yourself."bHe replied.

Olivia looked down at her clothes. Ethan took two blankets from Jane's room: a red and pink one. Olivia was wearing the red and he was gonna give the pink to Sarah.

"Here's what we're gonna do: Benny, you're a vampire, Sarah is the vampire princess and she's being forced to marry to Benny by his father. But... Benny, you love Olivia, who is also a vampire. I'm a werewolf and I'm in love with Sarah and Sarah's in love with me. Rory, you are Benny's father. You're gonna need these," Ethan said, handing Rory, Olivia and Benny some fake fangs.

"I already have some." Rory said. "They need to be fake." Ethan answered.

"Wait, so Benny and I have to pretend we're in love but Rory's against the idea and wants him to marry Sarah, but she's in love with you and you love Sarah too?" Olivia asked, all in one breath.

Ethan nodded. "Pretty much. Now, I'm gonna find Sarah. Stay here. Oh, and Olivia, Benny, use a spell to disable Doug's crossbow." He then ran off.

They looked at each-other and shrugged. "Sounds like a plan."


Ethan came back pretty quickly with Sarah. She was dressed in Jane's pink blanket and was wearing a tiara.

The teens could hear Doug coming round the corner - commentating as he walked.

Benny and Olivia peeped through a whole in the boxes. "Trigerous, chillious!" They whispered when Doug was distracted.

Once they saw the trigger freeze, they looked at each-other and grinned before stepping away from the gap in between the boxes and over to Rory, who was waiting for his queue.

Ethan then howled and stomped into the main area of the garage.

"Holy cow!" Doug yelled. "A werewolf!" He held up his crossbow, ready to fire, but obviously, he couldn't.

"You trespass, human, on ground that is not yours!" Ethan growled.
"Maybe I can gain his trust," Doug said to his camera. "I'm tracking a vampire - your eternal foe!"

"You track my forbidden girlfriend?!"
"And unfortunately, my future vampire wife." Benny said, strutting into view.

"Another vampire?! Well, at least it's a fair fight now." Doug remarked.

"I am Fangstorm, the vampire. And I am in love with... Hannah... my girlfriend!"

Olivia walked out and put her hand on Benny's shoulder, showing her 'fangs'.
"My father wants me to marry Sarah, but my heart belongs to Hannah." Benny said, gazing at Olivia.

"In fact," Benny squinted at the name tag on Ethan's work outfit. "Greg and I are actually working together; we must destroy my father!"

Rory then strutted in. "Who dares to try and kill me... again?!" He bellows.
"I think I've stumbled... I mean hunted into a supernatural love story." Doug narrated.

"Alas, let us fight!" Rory announced.
"No!" Sarah said, awkwardly running in with high heals. "Don't fight! Let us be happy, Mr... Vampire!"

"No chance! This tradition has lasted for like... forever and we can't break it!" Rory argued.
"We must fight!" Benny announced.

Rory launched himself at Benny, Olivia and Sarah gasped. Ethan began to pathetically fight too.

Sarah and Olivia ran towards Doug. "We beg of you! Please don't let them kill each-other! You're the only human who can help!" Olivia pleaded.

"Do I keep my hunters instincts and check and play peace maker, or do bag myself a vampire and write my name in the history books? Yeah, I'll do that one!" Doug nodded.

Doug loaded his gun and turned to Sarah and Olivia. Within a second, Sarah kicked him, and he flew backwards. "Sarah, do you have to kick him so hard?!" Ethan said.

"Ethan! Sh!" Benny hissed.
"Ethan? Benny? What is this?!" Doug yelled.

"Hi Doug..."
Benny flashed a grin and put his thumb up.


"I'm sorry, Doug. When you showed up we thought it would be awesome to be on TV!" Ethan explained.

"I was live! I'm ruined! How could you do that to a guy? I just wanted to make a fan's day!" Doug answered.
"And maybe shoot a vampire." Olivia added.

"Yeah! And catch it on camera, instead I've been punked by a Dusk convention!" He threw a bag of equipment into the van. "I don't know why you wanna destroy your own hero-"

"Technically, you're not my hero, no offence." Olivia said, Sarah nodded. Ethan glared at them.

"All of this... just to get on TV! Dressing up as monsters, rigging my camera so she would show up as a vampire? Kids weren't like this before NoobieTube. Here," Doug said, throwing Benny his crossbow and wig. "You might as well keep these worthless things."

Benny's jaw dropped once he realised it was a wig.

"I think I need a rule #11: some scared just aren't worth finding." Doug said, walking into the the truck.

Olivia scoffed at his pathetic rule.

"Thanks for helping me and protecting Whitechapel's secret - you did the right thing. Kind of like a hero." Sarah said to Ethan, who suddenly looked proud because Sarah called him a hero.

"I'm sorry, guys." Ethan then sighed.
"I can't talk right now." Benny whispered, staring at the wig. "Everything I ever believed in was a wig..."

Doug then reappeared. "Are you actually a mechanic or was that part a lie too?"

Ethan nodded awkwardly.
"Worst episode ever." Doug sighed, walking away.

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