Chapter I

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"Jace?" Clary wandered the long graveyard path, even though she knew exactly where to find him. Clary held onto Isabelle's small hand. Her eyes were golden, like Jace's.

"Daddy?" Isabelle ran towards a hunched shape on the grass.

"Isabelle!" Clary called out to her daughter as she nearly tripped over a stone.

"Izzy!" Jace held out his arms and the little girl hugged him. Jace's hair fell over his eyes as he turned towards the large tombstone beside him. On the stone, it said Isabelle Lightwood.

"Jace, it's been so long," Clary whispered as Jace rose, putting Isabelle on the grass.

"I know," Jace whispered and he took Isabelle's hand and started back towards the gate.

Simon held onto Max's hand, paranoia meant that he always held onto the little boy before he opened the door. "Who is it, daddy?" Max was hidden behind Simon's legs.

"Don't worry, it's just Magnus," but Magnus' face told a whole different story.

Magnus didn't even say hello, he just said, "Where is Jace?"

"What's wrong?" Simon whispered, trying not to upset Max.

"Alec hasn't been home in hours," Magnus began, then he seemed to correct himself, "I am NOT a clingy spouse or whatever, but I want to know... he said he would be home to spend some time with Camille."

Simon nodded, Camille was Magnus and Alec's daughter. "If Alec was hurt..."

"Jace would know, being his parabatai," Magnus finished. Simon was still slightly confused on some of the parts of Shadowhunter life, but he tried not to let it show.

"Then, I'll just call Clary," Simon picked up his phone and dialed the number.


"Clary, where's Jace?"

It was dark. Very dark. Alec wandered down the street. It was surprisingly abandoned. A black shadow passed through a dark alley behind him. Alec pulled out his seraph blade. He pressed his back against the brick wall, unsure of whether or not he should keep walking. An icy chill crept down his spine as he heard a footstep, and a soft laugh. "Alexander..." a mysterious voice boomed from behind him. "Alexander Lightwood, my son's husband. I never thought I'd see you again."

"Asmodeus," Alec stopped, twirling the seraph blade, "One of the 9 Princes of Hell," Alec quietly named the blade, and turned around. Asmodeus was not behind him.

"Alexander," Alec felt a pain in between his shoulder blades. "Magnus hasn't spoken to me in a while, maybe I should send him a little message," Alec shuddered violently as a sharp pain tightened his muscles. Alec fell to his knees. "Rise, Alexander Lightwood, get up," Asmodeus' laugh boomed. Alec reached for the seraph blade that had fallen from his hands, but he couldn't move. Against his own will, he rose. "Now, go on home to Magnus and deliver a message."

Clary sat on the kitchen counter. Her phone was pressed to her ear. Sebastian, her oldest son, was nearly asleep on the couch. "He is upstairs," Clary was saying to Simon. She removed the phone from her ear, "Jace!" Clary called.

Jace half ran and half fell down the stairs. His hair was tousled and he wore a baggy shirt. Clary could tell he had just pulled on a pair of pants and had probably been lazily chilling, 50% naked, on the bed. "Yeah..." Jace plucked the phone from Clary's fingers with a mischievous smile. Sebastian looked up for a span of 3 seconds, a long time for him, then he closed his eyes and fell asleep. Clary couldn't hear the rest of the conversation, but she saw Jace momentarily look scared, actually scared, but then his expression smoothed as he said, "Are we really going to monitor his whereabouts?"

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