Chapter Two

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I'm in shock, and furious. The curly haired boy is standing over me, covered in tattoos with a ring through his lip, and looking...frightened? I can tell he's upset with himself and I begin to feel bad for him. It was only an accident and shit happens all the time, right? It's annoying that I now smell like a keg, but he looks horrified as he takes the situation in.

"Styles! What's... oh." a tanned boy, also covered in tattoos, walks up behind him and starts laughing. Great, just great. My mood changes when I feel his eyes looking me up and down, he's definitely not being subtle about it. He's looking at me like I'm a piece of meat and that's not okay. I sense that the curly haired one feels the same way I do as he reluctantly stretches out his hand to me and I, almost unwillingly, take it. His hand is warm and soft. He looks uncomfortable as he helps me stand, I think I hear him mutter "sorry" and he begins to say something else but Parker is right next me yanking me to him, obviously not pleased.

"What the hell happened here?" he looks from me to the punk boy.

Before I can collect my words the boy is speaking, "I wasn't watching where I was going and ran into her. I'm sorry.. I hope she's alright."

"Well, I hope so too. You need to watch where you're going, freak." Parker turns to me, searching my face for an answer.

"I'm fine," I huff out, "I just want to go back to the dorms please." I say and Parker nods.

We begin to walk off when Claire is by our side and looking beyond annoyed. "What have you done now, Harry?" Harry? "I'm so sorry Taylor.. Looks like you've have the displeasure of meeting my brother's friends. They don't have any manners so don't pay any attention to them."

The tanned one scoffs at her words, "shouldn't you be with Luke somewhere? If Niall knew you were here he'd throw a fit."

She rolls her eyes and grabs my arm and walks off. "They're ridiculous." She tries to laugh, "if you want we can all go back to our room and watch a movie, my boyfriend should be coming over soon."


Once we are back in our dorm room, I change and Parker makes himself comfortable on my bed. Claire sets up Netflix and quickly decides on the movies to watch, Harry Potter. I take my time in the bathroom before going back into the room and plopping down beside Parker, declaring him to be my pillow.

The door opens and in walks a curly haired boy, but he's wearing glasses and he doesn't have tattoos or a lip ring. My confusion must be obvious when Claire laughs and begins explaining, "this is Luke, the guy you ran into at the restaurant is Harry, his twin brother. Luke's my boyfriend, Harry is my brother's best friend. Tattoos and no tattoos, that's how you tell them apart."

I feel Parker tense beside me at the reminder of the past hour.

"Oh.." I laugh, 'I'm Taylor and this is Parker."

"Boyfriend?" Luke asks and Parker laughs.

I expect what he's going to do next, but it still surprises me every time. He wraps his arm around my waist and crashes his lips into mine. Our lips move in sync for the small, intimate moment that we share and I can sense his smirk. He squeezes my side and pulls back and plants a sloppy kiss on my forehead before nodding to answer Luke's question.

Claire is clearly shocked, we never told her whether or not we were dating, and I'm sure she suspects we are now. Honestly, I don't mind or care. This is just one of the things that people may never understand, but this how Parker is. He vowed to protect me and this is his way, his game, of protecting me. We've never dated, nor wanted to, but whenever asked around new people a kiss and nod is his only answer.

Luke laughs it off and joins Claire in her bed. Within minutes we're all talking over the movie about Harry Potter and our strange love and addiction for it. I'm starting to like college, and if all of the people I meet share the same interests as me, I might not hate my life for the next two years.

Harry's POV

Taylor? That's her name.

I can't stop thinking about her. Her long, dark hair. Her dark eyes. Her naturally tanned skin. She's beautiful. Her dark jeans and pink v-neck with a beige cardigan over top fit her perfectly, she looked so put together.

But I feel like absolute shit for spilling our beer on her. I feel even worse after her prick boyfriend tried acting badass to us. Oh, and the icing on the cake is she's my brother's girlfriend's roommate. My stuck up brother is probably in the same room with her right now and his girlfriend is going to introduce her to all of their snobby friends.

She wasn't even affected by my appearance, but her boyfriend was intimidated by me, that was obvious. What an asshole.

"So, Luke said my sister's new roommate is smoking hot." Niall is downing his third pint.

Zayn nods and speaks, "dude you have no idea. Harry over here ran right into here, pouring all of our beers on her. It was funny as hell until kid came to her rescue or some shit. They fit in with your sister, stuck up."

I can't really say anything. I feel awful for embarrassing her, but they just get a kick out of it and think she's hot, which she is. That's all beside the point. She probably thinks I'm just like them, not saying that I'm not, but still. She seems She doesn't seem stuck up and snobby like her boyfriend or Claire or even my brother. I bet she's thoughtful and funny. I bet she knows how to have a good time too. I bet we could get along, if I hadn't already pissed her off by being a clumsy dick. I'm really just a douche.

What the hell am I thinking?

I have to talk to her again.

(Hi guys! I was just hoping you all could tell me what you think of the story so far? I would love to hear what you have to say and if you have any suggestions, please don't hesitate to tell me! I'm open to ideas and would love them :) Thank you!)

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